Smile (Horror)

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Next one! After taking a break to study art, I'm back for another! So for the last one, I went about five minutes over my time limit. Now, everything that if over the time limit will be written in this font.Thank you.

Prompt 153: Christina Cruz and Scott Peters meet after a failed experiment. One of them is seeking revenge. Write their story based on this quick plot: "patient turns murderous after having a near-death experience."

"Stop. No. Get AWAY!" A middle aged fat man with raggedy brown hair screamed for his life, for help. But I wasn't going to give it to him.

"You messed it up! You messed up the experiment, Scott!" A woman in a black leather suit and a white lab coat approached him. She had long, black hair, mangled in disarray from lack of sleep and anxiety. She had a scalpel in her hand, the blade twinkling in the light.

"I know! I know I messed it up, Christina!"

"Now, because of you, he's out. He's free. Because YOU showed him compassion and because YOU SHOWED HIM HIS LIFE WAS MISERABLE! NOW PRISONER X WANTS OUR BLOOD AND IT'S ON YOUR HANDS!" The man backed anxiously into the sterile white boxes behind him and he stumbled onto them, knocking their contents out onto the cold, white tiled foor. Christina approached him, kicking the boxes every which way around the blood stained white hallway of the secret underground lab.

"We have plenty of other experiments! We have plenty of other subjects! We can get through this! Like we always have!" A hint of phsycoticness crept into his voice, caused by the pressure he was under.

"You're right. We do have other experiments." Christina calmed a bit. "Ones you won't mess up."

"You're right. I won't mess them up, I promise!" The man groveled in fear, hope creeping into his glittering eyes. He was on the brink of tears. "You can use me! I'm very useful!" The man mumbled, mixing his words in with themselves.

"However, YOU messed up an experiment. Who's going to replace him?" Anger and hatred seeped into the woman's voice, coloring her words black. The man paused. Realization came into his feature and with realization came fear.

"No. Please. PLEASE!" The tears that threatened to flow broke free of their dam.

"Tha's right. You have to pay your debt." With that, she sunk the scalpel into the back of his neck repeatedly, and the man passed out at her feet. Red flowed from his neck and stained his pure white lab coat. I pooled on the tiles and rushed to meet with the woman's black boots.

Men dressed all in black walked up and waited for their orders. With a few words from the woman, they picked up the man and carried him down the hall, out of sight.

"F@$%." She whispered under her breath. "Who's going to take care of this mess? I know I'm not..." She walked down the hall after the men.

Let me tell you my story. I'm the one responsible for these people's sad fates. More truthfully, their responsible for my sad fate and the man for his own. The woman was right to snap at him. I was perfectly fine and happy before HE had come along. He showed me things. He showed me pictures, and colors, and I could always expect him to bring me something amazing. When he fed me, I had good tasting food. But I hated him. Maybe I hated him most of all.

He treated me fine when no one was looking but as soon as somebody walked in the room, he immediately moved back to his horrible side. He whipped me and even nearly killed me a few times. I liked the pain. I didn't mind it. In fact, pain was the one thing in my life that I could count on to be there, always, as my companion, and I enjoyed it's company. What I hated about him was how unpredictable he was. He would change his mood often and I couldn't tell what he would do next. I hated people I couldn't read. No, It wasn't that I couldn't read him, it was that I could.

I knew what he was doing. His motives were greedy, hoping that he could gain my trust for himself and through me, turn against his coworkers. I hated his coworkers too, but I hated him most of all. He lied to everyone. He began messing with my brain. He would pull me into unscheduled surgeries and mess with my organs and brain. Thanks to him, half my brain is robotic and I'm missing all my fingers and toes. I'm missing a lung, my kidneys, and I have three extra hearts.

So I decided to get payback. I stopped eating (not like I was eating much before anyways.) I stopped going to the bacthroom or partaking in anything active. I would hold my breath for an hour at a time, until I passed out and woke up with a new set of automatic lungs that forced me to breathe. They took care of me. I couldn't die, but I wouldn't live either.

I was fine. I didn't hate it, until he showed me I was being mistreated. I thought that my life was how it was intended to be, that everyone like me lived this way. But then I saw pictures of happy smiling people and I grew sad.

What is it to smile?

I yearned to laugh, to sing, to love. But my voice box was removed, I didn't have the energy to stand up and my mouth was simply a gaping hole with no lips or teeth. In short, I was a monster.

I waited.

They planned a mass of surgeries that would give me strength and agility. They were going out on a limb. The other experiments were all too rebellious to be trusted with such power but me, I was a broken human being content with where I was. So my new powers developed and I gained strength. I got wings shaped like grotesque hands and new teeth grew, sharp and pointed. I broke out as soon as I could.

In breaking out, I killed five guards stationed by my door and two scientists coming by to check on another experiment. They all immediately recognized me by an X burned on to my shoulder. And I sought out the man and the woman. They were the ones in charge of me, of my experiment. I hid in a vent and surveyed the scene. Ready to pounce at any moment, I waited for them to get what was coming to them. I planed to strike when they were finished talking, but now seeing what had happened, I was satisfied.

The man would become an experiment like me and he would get the worst treatment possible with the woman looking over him.

I smiled.

So this was what it was like to smile?

Done! I was interrupted so many times during that. CAN'T YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THE POINT OF STUDYING? IT'S A TIMED WRITING! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Well, I can't tell if I was finished before the time or not because it went off but I was interrupted so I added another two minutes and finished. Not sure. Well, It's finished now! To me, this sounds kind of like a video game or something... xD

Grade: 92.5 %

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