The Contests☕

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We have a lot of contests for writers to enter, seasonal Contests, holiday contests, and every other kind of contests therein.

🎑 How we roll

Like a gigantic ball!

☕A judge is assigned to rate your work, don't worry they are no amateurs.

☕ You are to garner votes for your artwork, as they make up 40% of your score. This depends on the kind of contest though.

☕  Voting ends  two days before the results are announced.

☕A picture, blurb, phrase or statement will be given, you are to either write a short story or poem of a given word count, or make a graphical representation of whatever is given.

⛅ We announce a contest, the rules and the prizes(sometimes), then we give writers a minimum of three days and a maximum of one week to enter the contests.

⛅ The contest entry is then closed and the work begins. A prompt(topic, phrase, picture or a scene) is given for writers to write with/on, and then a deadline is dropped for each contest.

⛅ We judge based on certain rubrics, and after which we select the writers with the highest points.

⛅Only writers with the highest points are crowned winners.

That's pretty much how this works.


☕ Follow the HQ account AOG_Community

☕ Follow this account Gems_Club

☕ Follow the coordinators. phaylen Lola_Greene

☕ Follow the contests rules(They differ by contest) judiciously.

☕ Fill your forms accurately.

☕ Always DM the account for your stickers and prizes.

☕ Always take the voting exercises serious.

☕ Always add a #TWC and the contest theme to all your write ups, not forgetting to tag this account Gems_Club.

☕ Always submit a docx of your work to the account's email, or the DM.

☕ Regular contestants are advised to create a separate book with the title - My corner in the Writers Café #TWC, tagging the account on the introductory page.

☕ Contests entry and closing date are always taken seriously. Ensure you beat the deadline. A deadline is given for each contest, failure to submit leads to cancellation.

☕ Give us a shout out on your message board.

☕ Only one person emerges a winner , each from the three categories listed.

And hey!


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