Chapter two

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My little mishaps with Zelda where far over me. Why did I take my sweet time with her? I walked along a river, my boots crunching softly against the frozen mornings grass. My eyss gazed at the land in front of me, my hands set behind my back.
She was nothing to me, why did I feel sadness when I had angered her? I pondered for about an hour, then stopped, looking at my reflection in the waters, the bleach sky, even though it is spring, makes the water white. The crystal eyes stare back at me, the golden hair flowing in the wind. The figure that cast his eyes in my direction was quite the handsome type. I bent down, touching the chilly water with my index. The lighter figure did the same. I don't know why, but I feel like he's actually there this time. I've seen him around, never really getting into any conversation. I remember the only time I had at least touched him was a few years back, in that foggy room, the one with a single tree in the center. I had tried to copy his movements, and when my hand slipped, it met his cheek.....It was warm and lively, he was so lucky to have such nice skin.
I stood up, and continued my walk. After a few minutes, my ears perked up at the unrhythmic crackle I cast my gaze around the trees, then spotted a light in the distance. I slowly and quietly made my way over to where it was coming from. I stared through the bushes at a dying flame, the smell of burning wood reaching my cold nostrils, filling my body with concern. Who was the one who started this fire? There was no one around.....
I stepped out of the bush, sauntering carefully closer to the fire. I kneeled down next to it, its heat burning the rough, dark skin on my face.


I walked into my house, maybe I'll explore a bit more tomorrow. I took the mask off my face, setting it on my desk. I yawned, stretching my short arms out. I scratched the back of my neck, electric blue eyes filled with drowsiness. I walk over to my bed, boots thumping along the ground. I sit,  bending down and slipping the leather footwear off, laying down on the soft, marshmallow like mattress of my bed. My eyes begin to close, when I hear something. My blues shoot open, and I sit up. There it was again, a light tapping noise on the wall. I look about, and spot a terrifying sight. The rather dark masked figure stares at me, his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. "R-ravio?!" I feel my palms start to become clammy and fear washes over me. How?
He giggles, in a low, hair raising tone. "Miss me?" I nodded slowly, standing, my feet warm against the cool wooden floor planks. That mask.....I've seen it before. It held true evil....but how do I know that.....and why did Ravio have it?! "Ravio....where in the world did you get that mask?!?"
He only let out a foul snicker. "So have you seen my creations yet?" "What? What creations?!" Ravio grinned. "Happy to be home." Link glared in hate at the boy. "Stop ignoring everything I say!" "So I recall meeting you when you where a you remember me?" "Ravio what are you talking about?" The masked boy laughed and pinned Link to the wall, the masks electric green eyes staring with evil lurking inside of them. "You think you could stop me the first time? That poor little town was nothing....half of the people didn't care if they where going to be crushed!" Link gasped as memories fled back into his mind....
"Heh, well I've come back for more! And this time, its on the already crushed Lorule! Hahahaha!" Link glared at the mask, his eyes burning. "What have you done to Ravio?!" "....." the insane tribal mask didn't reply. "What did you do to him?!?!" Link was almost in tears, he wanted everything to back to the way it was...he could use the ocarina of time....but he knew that this moment would come again....unless he could fix, he needed information. He swallowed the spit that had gathered in his mouth, calming himself, his body slightly shaking. " did y-you come back?" The possed Ravio lifted the mask, grinning slyly. "You where only a dumb child at the shows." Link glared, growling, then took a breath, controlling how much he wanted to strangle the other. Wait....him...the reason i went to such great lengths to save Termina....that man, the one who taught me that song....who helped evil. He had somehow brought the evil back. Majora snickered with Ravios lips, Link hated this. "Well I have things to do. See ya!" Then he (she) pulled the mask over her face and vanished, the room getting uncomfortably quiet. He needed to find some way to get to Lorule- before it was too late.


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