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"Here's a burner phone, it has Mine, Cesar, and Antonio's number, if you need anything cal me understand? Oscars say with a hint or worry in his eyes. I nod and take the phone he hands me.
"Stay safe". Is the last words he said before driving off.
I walk up to the house and take a deep breathe before using the spare key to unlock it. When I walked in it was empty.
I walk up stairs to my daughters room. The door was locked, just in case. I slowly knocked on it.
A couple seconds later the door opens revealing little Mani, she was in her Dora pajamas with one of my makeup headbands.
"Mommy! Mani runs to her mother and wraps around her tightly. Angelina smiles warmly and picks her daughter up who clings to her.
"Hey baby girl, where your dad? I ask starting yo get worried that she just might be alone.
"Papa put some movies on an left. Mani said sadly.
Angelina got lost in her thoughts about where he could be, he was reckless and young, and always causing trouble but he never left Mani alone by herself.
"Mommy I'm hungry". Mani calls out among Angelina break he thoughts.
"Okay I'll make up dinner, stay up here and I'll bring it". Angelina puts Mani on her bed before putting a children's movie on for her. Once Mani was occupied in her movie Angelina went downstairs and looked in the fridge and freezer for something, finding chicken and fries, I decided to make her some hot wings and cheesy fries, her favorite when we go out.
Since it as gonna be airfried I decided to give her a couple snacks so she didn't have to wait that long.

Putting the chicken in the air fryer I begin to make the sauce. As I heat the ingredients up I hear the front door opening. I knew it was Christian but I didn't care, I was pissed, how could he leave his 4 year old daughter by herself. I didn't notice I was angrily stirring the pan, I turn the heat down and as I did I felt hands around my waist. It was Christian, he pulls me towards his body and rest his head on my shoulder. Trying to shrug him off, he tightens his grip. Making me wince. "Oh come on baby you know i missed you. Especially since you ran away last night". He whispers in my ear, my nostrils get invaded with heavy smell of alcohol. "I didn't run away". I try to move away from him but his grip gets tighter.
"Why would you leave me darling?" He says kissing my neck. "I didn't! I told you I didn't, it was late and my phone died, so I stayed at a friends house.. I say only telling partial truth.
In a swift motion Christian remove the pot from the heater and hold my wrist tightly above the stove, thats when my genuine fear sets in.
"Tell me the truth you cheating bitch! Christian yells angrily. "Stop! I'm telling you the truth! Angelina cried scared of the hot fire below hitting her skin.
"Why do you smell like you've been with a man then? He asks calmly.
"I-I wasn't cheating-
I couldn't tell him that I was with Cesar or else he would kill me. Literally. Santos and Serpents hated each other long before our times. But that didn't convince him. He held my wrist closer and I felt the hot heat melt away at my arm. I hold back a scream and try to tug away from him.
"Mommy are you almost done? I hear Mani's voice from the stairs. Her footsteps get closer and Christian let's me go.
"I want you In my room when your done understand? Without an answer Christian walks away and Mani walks in. I hide my painful burning wrist behind my back and open the oven taking the fries out.
"Just a couple more minutes on the chicken alright baby?

I slowly walk into Christians room, my hands were shaking, I couldn't say I wasn't scared for what he was planning. My wrist was still burnin, eating at my skin.
Taking a deep breath trying to mentally prepare myself, I slowly open the door.
Upon entering I notice the darkness. As I look around I see him at the balcony smoking a cigarette.
My steps are slow but consistent, I'm sure he could hear my heart beat even a mile away. As if my thoughts were read Christian turns around and watched as I walk over to him.
As I got close I could see his face clearly, he was crying, once I stopped in front of him he drops his cigarette on the floor and crushes it with his foot. His hands slip in his pockets and he looks down at me with an intense stare, but I never advert my eyes from his.
"I let you out for a couple hours and you were gone the whole night. I'm only gonna ask you this once. Where were you?"
"I was getting Aid from a friend, and my phone died..
"I think you're lying, you're hiding something.
"Why would I lie about that, I would never purposely leave my daughter here by herself if her knew her dad was out getting drunk".
"Watch your mouth". He warns with a dark glare.
"I'm not your fucking pet, don't tell me what to do.
Christian chuckles before walking over to the door and locking it.
Turning around Christian stalks towards me. "You don't know what I do for you, and here you are acting like an ungrateful bitch!
"Then why am I still here Christian? you clearly don't care about this family so let me go!
"I can't do that. You've been mine since I laid my eyes on you".
Scoffing I run my fingers through my hair feeling my anger rise up.
"You don't treat me right, you are never here for me nor your daughter!
Christian looks away. "i have an empire to run".
"You're one of the only people I know to put your business over your family".
"I do everything for you! I work so I can do more for my family".
"You treat me like one of your whores Christian! You don't care about "your" family! You married for me because my dad paid you!
I take the engagement ring off and throw it at his chest.
"Angelina". Christian warns before picking the ring up.
"Christian I don't want to be here anymore, don't you think this has gotten too far? I ask defeated.
"No I don't, and I love you..deeply. But you're not going anywhere". Before Angelina could respond Christian grabs her and throws her over his shoulder. "I'll show you".
Christian unlocks the door and walks down stairs. Angelina squirms and try's to push herself out of Christians hold. Christian ignores her and begins walking outside.

"You're gonna stay here until I feel like letting you out.
"No Christian please-
Slamming the shed door, Christian locks the door from the outside and goes back inside.
The shed. The punishment for Angelina when he didn't want to physically hurting her.
The shed was outside in the backyard of the house, it was freezing outside so the floor was cold, there wasn't anything but a small mattress and a blanket, It was dark and for a moment Angelina just wanted everything to end.

I sit in the back of the cafe looking out the window, he was 8 minutes and 23 seconds late for our date. It's our first one since we started talking, I wonder if he got tired of me or didn't like me in that way so he stood me up. Just as I was about to get up and scrap the date the door opens and there he comes in running towards me and the table.
His hair was wet and some was sticking to his face, although he had been rained on he looked good and I could still smell the cologne like it was freshly sprayed on him it was so addicting.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, my nanna was bickering me and then traffick was so bad, a semi crashed into this mail man- anyways I'm sorry". He takes his coat off and gives me a kiss on my cheek before sitting across me. I almost got lost into him. 
"I-I it's okay, I really don't mind". I smile. Lie. I did but you were so hot so I didn't care in the moment.
He nods and smiles feeling relief.
"I can't read the menu so I didn't order ahead.. I tell him hanging him the menu.
"Oh it's okay! I know the best of the best".

We spent the rest of the day talking and laughing about movies and stupid moments and then he drove me home since I took a Uber here.
"I really enjoyed our night, I really would love to do it again". Christian tells me, my face heats and my stomach erupts in butterflies.
"I did too, thank you for taking me out".
"Sorry for being late again". He laughs and scratched the back of his head nervously. I smile and open the door. "Goodnight". I tell him before walking inside.

Once Christian made sure she made it inside he reached over and opened the glove department and pulled a picture out. A picture of Angelina.
His phone rings and he picks up from the unknown caller. "So what do you think? The caller asks. Christian grins to himself and looks down at the picture of Angelina. "Yes I only want her". He says before ending the call.
He wanna gonna make sure he gotten was his.
There was only one thing keeping him from getting her. That Santo.

Sorry this felt rushed, but vote for more!☺

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