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The next night Chandran sat next to Ahkmenrah and told him stories from when he was alive and told facts about himself while Ahkmenrah listened with a smile, eventually Chandran mentioned how he learned how to mimic animal noises and that he will show Ahkmenrah one day, making the pharaoh smile at the thought that he would finally get a look at the author, soon days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and soon years have passed, some nights Chandran would leave and try to figure out why Ahkmenrah was locked up and how to break him out while others he would sit and talk and tell stories to Ahkmenrah from the books in his portrait, so tonight shouldn't have been that different although it was as Chandran had heard footsteps coming towards the exhibit, quickly getting up and running back to his portrait and jumped back to his chair and shut the music off, this of course confused the pharaoh making him panic and start to bang and scream, Chandran glared towards the entrance ready to punch those old night guards that dare to keep Ahkmenrah locked up and lie about him, they told the others that he was evil for god sake, when Chandran heard that from teddy he just wanted to punch those old geezures but sadly since they don't come to his exhibit and he doesn't want to risk getting in trouble and being taken away from Ahkmenrah Chandran couldn't punch them, but to his surprise teddy and a new looking night guard came walking in, "ahh good day to you Chandran this here is Larry the new night guard starting as of tonight" teddy said with his signature smile, Chandran intensed a little as he looked the new guard up and down, 'this Larry guy seems nice not like the other night guards but I can't judge him based on looks' Chandran thought, "I suppose it is nice to meet you Larry" Chandran said as he crossed his arms, Larry offered a awkward smile to the author only to get a glare in response, "are you here to let out the pharaoh" Chandran asked making Larry look wearily at the shaking sarcophagus, "uh..well" Larry started only for teddy to cut in "I'm sorry my dear but the rules are the rules and the pharaoh stays" teddy said before giving Chandran a sympathetic look before leading Larry out of the room, Chandran was to wrapped up in his thoughts to hear teddy tell Ahkmenrah that he would stay in his sarcophagus, when They finally left Chandran turned on the music before stomping out of his portrait and sitting down by the sarcophagus with a frown, "don't worry Ahkmenrah I'll find a way to get you out" Chandran said once he managed to calm the pharaoh down only to get a muffled voice in response making Chandran huff out a laugh "you know I can't understand you when you speak like that" Chandran teased getting a hard thump in response "hey didn't I say not to hurt your self" Chandran said getting a muffled moan in response "yeah your hand better Hurt from hitting something that hard" Chandran said before looking at the entrance "ok Ahkmenrah I think imma go on a adventure tonight" Chandran said getting a tap in response making him smile, "ok well off I go now" Chandran said as he got up getting a tap in response, walking past the guards that turned to watch Chandran leave made him feel a bit more confident, walking down the halls Chandran was met with chaos animals were running all over the place and the Huns were yelling while running after someone and the cavemen were making a fire, walking to look for Larry Chandran finally found him fighting a monkey, "ah Larry I would like to talk to you" Chandran said making Larry whirl around "oh uh hey chandreen right?" Larry asked making Chandran frown, "Chandran actually and I would like a favor I would like it if you let the pharaoh out it is his tablet bring the others to life after all" Chandran said making Larry sigh "ok ok I'll see what I can do but I can't do much when a MONKEY KEEPS STEALING MY KEYS" larry said yelling the last bit towards the monkey that seemed to be the one that stole his keys, Chandran hummed "ok I am counting on you Larry do not disappoint me I don't like liars Larry" Chandran said before turning on his heels and leaving, Larry opened and closed his mouth like a fish for a few seconds before sighing and trying to get his keys back from Dexter.

Chandran entered the Egypt exhibit with a sigh before setting a hand on the sarcophagus "I'm back Ahkmenrah unfortunately I do not have a key but I have made a deal with the new night guard to let you out soon" Chandran said before getting a series of taps, "hehe yes I know it seems like it is almost to good to be true" said with a smile before sitting down, "oh I must tell you about how disastrous it is out here animals all over the place Huns yelling and cavemen making fires hehe it is like a war out there" Chandran said with laugh before telling the pharaoh about all he saw before he had to get up as his fingers started to go numb, "well until we talk again my pharaoh" Chandran whispered as he got up and walked towards his portrait with a smile on his face and hope in his heart, oh the question he wanted to ask the pharaoh but the most intriguing one being the legend that was around the said pharaoh, 'oh well I'll ask tomorrow or when he gets out...so tomorrow' Chandran thought with a goofy smile before having to sigh and go back to his original potion.

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