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"Taka can I talk to you?" Taka turned around to see mondo, he had a very serious expression on his face, which was very rare in mondo.

"Well your already talking to me, but yes of course."

"Can we go somewhere a bit more private I- I don't want anyone hearin'," mondo looked around. they were in the hallway of hopes peak academy and their were lots of people around.

"sure, should we go to the tree we usually hang out around?"


"so..what did you do want to talk about?"

"right. I- I have a problem."

okay I'm scared now. why is he so nervous? (an: apparently this is the emoji for nervous😩. sorry just wanted to type this as it made me laugh.)

"I think i've fallen for ya and.. well I didn't even think I liked boys but-" mondo sighed "turns out i was wrong about that. So anyways I think I might be bisexual, not 100% sure but it sound right."

"I can't tell if your confessing your feelings to me or coming out to me."

"oh also i'm trans :)"

"I- hang on fist of all, i'm glad you have feelings for me since i return them. second of all if you think your bisexual thats great but you don't have to label yourself. third of all thank you for telling me your trans I'm glad you feel comfortable enough with me to tell me that." taka took in a long breath, this was a lot to take in at once"

"cool :) see you tomorrow babe :P"

"WTF BABE?!!?! no no way are we doing that."

"oh okay but we date?"

"yes i would love that."

"m'kay see you <3"

"what the heck just happened..."


i didn't mean for this to be cracky but it turned out like that. (probably because touch you started playing and- OMGGIVENNENDUIWIZHDJWJSHEB (I'm listening to my anime songs playlist on spotify and the given opening started playing. i literally screamed))

who else has watched given because i love that anime so muchcucucuudwhh?!????!??!1?1!1!1?1!!1!1!



stay swagay
bye bye 👬

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