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I wrote this when I was very very tired so it's kinda crack fic-like enjoy!

3rd person pov

mondo grunted, he didn't want to get up but, no he had to. Mondo rolled over and slowly opened his eyes only to see,

"T-taka?!" mondo stuttered, getting very flustered.

"mmh 5 more minutes." taka groaned (ew) as he wrapped his arms around mondo and buried his face into the side of his chest.

"Taka..why are you in my bed...?" mondo asked, still very flustered.

I couldn't sleep last night so-" he yawned, his mouth grew very wide (okay details) "so I came in here to tell you but- but you were sleeping so peacefully,,,I didn't want to wake you up. I must have fallen asleep though..." Taka groaned and closed his eyes again "go back to sleep mo9ndo.."


"huh, why? you don't what to sleep with me?" takA TEAED.

"N-NO IT'S JUST.. I CAN'T SLEEP WITH A MAN ITS.. ER WEIRD! YEAH.."  mondo stuttered (didn't mean to put it in capslock, oh well.)

"why? :O are you homophobic?" taka asked worriedly.

"no, no of course not." mondo. "finer ill li with you, but only for a few minutes."

"okay :)"


"hey, mondo?"

"I thought you were sleeping?"

"well, you woke me up."

"ok.. well what is it?"

"have you ever heard of college students 'experimenting'?"

"I'm not in college but yeah I have." (taka is though hehehe)


taka leaned into mondos face and started kissing him (no big details okay? okay.) mondo didn't kiss back because he was so shocked :(.

Taka pulled his face away from mondo0s 

"hmm." Taka lay back down.

"that's it?! hmm?! Taka, why'd you kiss me?"

Taka turned back around to mondo and said "io was experimenting of course"

"o-oh.." they both sat up (lazy x100) "you were experimenting huh?"


"Okay, I wanna try that too."

yeah, mondo kissed him you probably guessed that was gonna happened anyways but yeah :) oh and taka actually kisses him back lol

"mondo, we should do that more often."

"what, kiss?"

"yeah, for experimenting."

"m'kay, I'm down with that."

then they just started missing each other I guess

✨one magical day✨

"mondo we should go on a date!"


"for experimentingggg"

"oh right, yeah, sure let's go on a date"

then they go on a super romantic date that I am way too lazy and tired to write so just ur imagination :o

after the date when their walking home or something

"hey, mondo?"


"I think we should stop experimenting."

"what?why?" mondo said in  a disappointed tone

"because I have come to a conclusion!" oh really? whats this conclusion you speak of????????"

taka stopped walking and look up *(lol) st mondo

"that I'm in love with you, obviously."

"ha-    w                  h                   a               t            ?"

"yeah- I'm... in.. love.. with you.."

"wait really? oh my g- i feel the same way b r o"

"you do? oh I'm so happppyyyy! mondo i want to be in a real relationship"

"yeah me too!"

"great, lets walk again haha."

✨they hold hasnd s and walk✨

then i got too tired to write anything else 'w'

um yeah stay swagay bye byeee 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

oh also here's my ishimodo spotify playliosty


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