Mcgongall: I know you loved us

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Me: Why are you so queit Minnie

Mcgonagall: I dont know all my student are dead.

Me: Ok see this happy video

Potter that is the girls lavotary

Minnie: I remember that.It was just a few days ago

Sirius:Would you be pleaseant enought to tell us your answer

Remus: I know what he said...'But lily went there'

Lily: *blushing

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

Lucuis: That was clear for many years

Why is it that something happens it is always you three

Me: the exact same line was said to the golden trio

Hermione: We are trouble maker?

Me: No, as harry said it 'I dont go looking for trouble,trouble usually finds me'

James: That is my son

James dreaming of Lily

Remus: Now we know what James dreames

Sirius: And why he keeps saying Lily's name

Lily: *Red as her hair*

James: *embarresed*

You are extraordinary

Thanks for the assesment Mr.Black

Sirius: Welcome Minnie

You must have hated me

James: Is is not clear I like you Evans

You are a nasty cowardly pig

Snape: That you are

He is insane

He told that you kissed him once


Lily: You are going around telling people I kissed you

James: It never said I am the he

You will join your classmates in detention

Lily: WHAT

There is this thing.....maybe you could come

Lily: I ASK HIM OUT??!?!?!


Lily trying to call james

Lily: Great now I call him

I had like to know what you are doing for the past 2 days

If I told you, I would have to kill you

Tonks: That was scary

Video ends

James: I knew you loved us Minnie

Minnie: *tries to hide a smile*

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