Sirius Black: No offence

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Sirius: Hey girl

Me: Call me cassie

Sirius: Whatever.....Dont I have a video

Me: You really are a attention seeker.Her you go,a video on your and harry's relationship/I am pretty sure Harry is wondering why you are so important in his life

Harry: Ya I am

He is the only family I have got left

James: I will make sure he has lots of families........and siblings

Lily: Family is fine but not siblings

He is a murdrer

James: I dont think so

Sirius tranforming

Mcgonagall: You are a animagus Mr. Black


Minerva: Thats impressive

James: I one also

Sirius in shrieking shack

James: No offence mate..........But you look like crap

Sirius: None taken

Get away from my godson

Lily:I make him the godfather

Me: Ofcourse, who else?

Its been 14 years and still a day dosen't go by I don't miss your dad

James:I love you too bro

Sirius: me too bro

James: Bro..

Sirius: Bro...

Remus:..............And thats why I prefer to do my homework alone

When all this is over we can be a family

James: I will be a part of that family

What if I am becoming bad

You are not a bad person.You are a good person who bad things happen too.I beleive the world is not split.We have all got light and dark inside of us.

Harry: *Smiles at Sirius*

Sirius: *Smiles back*

James: *to Remus*That is the first gunine smile on his face for a long time

Remus: Ya not an arrogant one like you

Video ends

Remus: ...............................Where is that sobbing sound coming from

Me: *in the corner crying*THEY NEVER BECAME FAMILY

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