Chapter 11

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Enzos pov (3 days later)

My nephew has a performance thing where you spend time with them and watch them speak but my brother can't make it so he asked me and molly to go,so that is exactly what we are doing.

Xavier decided to tag along as he said he has nothing to do,so we are driving in the car to the school.

"We are here" I spoke,we jump out of the car and straight away all eyes are on us,it's not often you will see a mafia leader his wife and the future leader all together at a children's school.

We walk to the front office and straight away the woman is staring at me, "We are here for the parent thing" I commented just wanting to get in there "Oh of course just go straight through that door and if you need anything come straight to me"  she added a little smile on at the end.

"Little bitch" I heard molly say from behind me "we need to get him moved from this school, she did even check who we are here for" now she may know who we are here for just because of our name but that's not good enough.

We walk into a big hall where loads of tables and chair were set out,we sit down at one and wait.

I always like to check my surrounding so I decided to have a glance around, but somebody near to the back caught my eye, the other day when Blake told us about her boyfriend I had asked to see a picture of them together and I would not forget his face, so I know it is him sat there.

I slap Xavier on the arm "dad what was that for" he looked over in the direction I was looking "Oh" he added on,Cole is sat there with his hand in his hoodie just looking at the front of the hall.

Molly must of caught on to us looking somewhere so she pushed us back in our chair "omg is that Cole" me and xav both nod "oh look at him,he is to cute".

"Maybe we should go and speak to him" Xavier went to stand up until molly pulled him down "no you are going to stay here and that Is final" Mollys right Blake will lose all respect for me and Xavier if we go over there guns blazing but if he comes up to us I will make 'friendly' chat.

The doors open and the children walk out in a line.

About the 4th kid in my nephew gets up "what I would like in life is for unlimited chocolate to be delivered to my room because this would always make me happy" he ads on tooth grin on at the end and walks over to us.

"Well done mate" I said with a small chuckle,we all sat there and listen to the rest of them.

And the final one is this little girl with french plat in "what I would like in life is equality, equality for the lgbtq+ community who face black lash for being the self, equality for people of colour who suffer racially motivated crimes on the daily just because their beautiful skin is a different colour than white,equality for the woman who are still not respect and face horrific crimes against them just because they are woman, and overall I want equality for anybody who faces difference for things they cannot help!"

I was in shock honestly all that is coming from a young girl.

Lots of people started clapping and suddenly she runs over to the man in the back, Cole, he picks her up and pulls her into a hug, he said something to her and she shared a big smile.

I remember that Blake said he looks after his sister so if he has raised her like this then I've got to say that is a good job to him.

The teacher stood up at the front "I want to thank you all for coming,now for the rest of the afternoon you can colour or play with your children and also interact with of parent/guardians as I'm sure the children will want to play with each other"

The room erupted in noise as people started talking "I like a girl" my nephew spoke pointing to Cole's sister and if I Remember correctly she is called harper.

"Really" Molly spoke "Yep Can I go over and play with her", I mean if I have to go over to get my nephew then Blake can't be angry can she.

My nephew got up and ran over to harper.

Cole's pov

I am so proud of harper for her speech so I promised her that we could go and get some Ice cream right after.

A little boy runs over to us "hi harper" he said "hi" she replied back looking a bit shy, now what is this "hello mr can I sit here" I reluctantly nodded my head and he jumped up onto one of the chair.

I am not stupid I have seen Blake's mum,dad and brother here but I know Blake will want us to meet with her there so I'm not going to make conversation with them unless they do it with me.

Harper decided she needed the toilet but on her way back I saw her stop when a boy grabbed her hand, I decided to keep my eyes on the situation.

She said something to him and I could tell she was getting angry but as I stood up to go over their she raised her fist and punched him square in the jaw but what surprised me even more was her helping him up and pointing her finger at him saying something then strutting away.

"Erm princess what was that", I felt a presence behind me but I decided to ignore it until I spoke to harper. "I told him to get off me and he didn't listen, I said you need to learn about consent young man and he still didn't listen she I punched him in the face"

I had taught harper about consent through hugs not the sexual side about it, that she does not have to hug somebody if she doesn't want and everything else that comes with asking for consent.

"Well I'm not going to shout at you for that" I gave her a small fist bump.

"Well at least you helped him up" I heard a man speak from behind me, I spin around to see that Blake's dad is the one speaking, he sticks his hand out for me to shake so I do  the same "nice to meet you" I said

"You to" he spoke Xavier also stuck his hand out but I could tell he was trying to size me up "I have heard so much about you" I'm suddenly pulled into a hug by molly,she pulls back and smiles at me so I smile back.

I feel a tap on "Cole" I got go turned to harper but apparently I didn't turn fast enough "dad please work on being fast" I chuckle then pick her up, she looks at me confused but as I was about to tell her who they are She squealed "are you Blake's mummy and daddy" she asked both of the adults smiled "yes we are" they both said and enzos phoned started ringing.

"We have to go" he spoke "nice meeting you" I said and molly grabbed ahold of the little boys hand,enzo nodded his head but as they were walking of Xavier turned around and looked at me like he was unsure.

"We hope to see you soon Cole so we can have a proper talk" Xavier said, I get what he is doing "of course" I spoke back and they walked off.

"Let's get you home princess"

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