Secret Avengers | Staron (Rom.)

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A/N: This is set after Civil War & Black Widow, but before Infinity War.  So this is circa 2017 in the MCU. 

   After the civil war that broke up the Avengers, causing Steve's team to be jailed, he broke them out while Bucky, now without his metal arm, greeted them aboard the Quinjet with a tired tone.  Steve wondered what to do next, so he asked the team how far they wanted to go.  Clint and Scott wanted to be with their families, so they took a deal with the government to be under house arrest for two years.  Wanda decided she wanted to reconcile with Vision and Sam wanted to stay by Steve's side. 

   Bucky was then put under cryosleep in Wakanda so that they could repair his mind.  For now, it was just Steve and Sam.  That is, until they met up with Natasha, now blonde, joining their duo.  The other person Steve worried about, was Sharon.  He hadn't seen or heard from her in weeks, but luckily he hadn't heard any new reports regarding an arrest, so she must've been hiding.  Nat assured him that Sharon was more than capable of taking care of herself, but he wanted to see her again and thank her multiple times for all she's done.  Nat just smirked. 

  Steve's trio was taking out terrorists, Hydra sympathizers, villainous mercenaries and leaving them at the footsteps of the authorities.  They had been doing it for over a year, and they had dubbed themselves the Secret Avengers.  They had earned quite the reputation in the underground world and staying at not-so-five-star hotels.  All this time Nat was in contact with Sharon, checking in with her.  Steve often talked with her—albeit awkwardly—but he respected that she could be on her own.  However, Sharon had tasked herself with taking down a crime syndicate in Madripoor.  It brought nothing but death and torture to an already horrendous place to live.  Sharon wasn't so lucky to defeat them let alone escape. 

   Nat had tracked her location and the team set off to rescue her and help her take down the crime syndicate.  Steve feared her life and was the first off the jet.  "Okay our priority is get Sharon out safely and if we can, we take out the crime syndicate she was trying to stop," Steve told them.

"And afterwards you can smooch her," Sam said, making kissy sounds to tease him.

"Alright, alright...let's go."


In the basement of the crime syndicate's lair, Sharon was seated in an uncomfortable chair, tied up with guns pointed at her. As the leader mouthed off about how he "rules" Madripoor, Sharon rolled her eyes and had nothing to do but listen. It got to be too much for her and she finally spoke up. "How about I make a deal with you?" Sharon asked.

"Excuse me?" The leader asked.

"You heard me," she said stoically. "Rogers and his friends are coming, I just know it. I know you want to sell illegal serums on the streets. You could make millions, billions even. I give him to you, you set me free, and I won't say a word," she offered.

"And if you do, I'll kill you," the leader growled.

"Fair trade. Deal?" She asked him.

"Hm...didn't you abet Rogers?" The leader questioned.


"Probably to get in his pants," a henchman chuckled.

Sharon rolled her eyes. "Why sell him off after you helped him?" The leader asked her.

"The only reason he's now living a life of constantly being on the run, hunted down, with bounties and not in a jail cell is because of me,"
She told him. "Hydra now is more like a ghost. We hide in the shadows. Keeping Rogers on the run, drives up the bounties, more money for Hydra to funnel into rebuilding themselves."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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