Quirk Aprehension Test

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Naruto POV

I saw a homeless looking man in a sleeping bag he looked weird so I took a glance at Sasuke he looked back at me and I pointed to and homeless looking man but then he spoke

Homeless Man: Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends this is the hero course

Then he stepped out of the sleeping bag

Homeless Man: Okay, it took you eight seconds before you were quiet time is limited you kids are not rational enough

I clenched my fists thinking of everyone's deaths Sasuke and Kaguya seemed to notice, Sasuke dragged me to an empty seat next to him and Kaguya

Homeless Man: I'm your home room teacher, Aizawa Shota, nice to meet you

I think I'll call him Sleepy Head-Sensei

Sleepy Head-Sensei: It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field

Did he just pull those out of his sleeping bag

Kaguya POV

I just wanted to get this over with and see Eri, I hired a nanny to look after her todayi walked to the locker rooms and started to get changed not paying attention to the eyes on me

Alien: Omg I wish I had a body like yours, tell me your secret please

What secret does she mean

Kaguya: What secret I don't do anything


Kaguya: Umm yes

Sasuke POV

Some grape had his ear to the wall listening in on the conversation, as i was taking off my shirt the grape started saying things I didn't like

Grape: So her bod is natraully like that just imagine being able to squeeze those huge watermelons of hers, Ōtstutsuki has to at least be an H-cup

That's when I took kusanagi (I got Kaguya to open a portal and smuggle it in for me since my rinnegan would use up the little amount of chakra I had)and stabbed it into the floor a few inches away from the pervert, then I activated my sharingan and glared at him, Naruto was behind him, his eyes had turned orange with his pupils slit.

Sasuke: Listen here and listen well little grape, I can tolerate you making vulgar remarks about other people but if you ever think or speak another perverse comment about Kaguya

Naruto: Then we won't reply kindly to it

I picked up Kusanagi, walked back to my locker and was about to start putting my shirt on until I felt eyes staring at me but not just me Naruto at well

Sasuke: Is there something wrong

Electric Hair: Dude you're both ripped

Glasses: Those scars you two have are extremely concerning

Why can't they keep their noses out of others business

Sasuke: They're from training

I kept my normal stoic face and monotonous voice

The dobe and I walked out of the locker room and saw Kaguya

In the Locker Room

Iida: Those scars could be the result of child abuse I've never gotten scars like that from training

Todoroki flinched at the mention of abuse

Kirishima: Yeah man you could be right

Iida: We should notify the teachers of this

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