Chapter 27 )( It Isn't a Dream Job, but It Pays the Bills

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   Dan made sure to knock before he entered Mara's apartment. He made sure to be at her apartment when she called him. He made sure to keep his hands to himself and he most definitely made sure to try his hardest not to piss her off.

They had been on good terms before but now, Dan considered himself to be in the figurative dog house. He had even been called her lap dog as a generous description from his sister. Marcus had found out about the gig too, from Thema, and he had been keeping his distance. Dan's chest hurt knowing that he could lose Marcus – he doubted it upon further thought – just because of the job but he had more important things to focus on, so he would just have to deal with the ache. If he needed to win anyone over again, it was Mara.

The week after his first heist he had gone back to the Hunny Bunny to give Damien the money he was owed. That and a message from Mara telling him that he would be receiving payment every month from then on, from her. Damien had read the note then promptly dropped it in one of the ovens to burn; he said afterward 'It's evidence'. That same week Mara called him over for a chat to tell him two things.

"Over the next three months I'm going to need you to make some more connections for me. I'm currently working on the people who you will be interacting with but just be prepared to put your back into socializing in the near future." Dan had been surprised by the change in his activities, he said as much.

"I thought I would be coming out on heists with you guys for the time being."

"No. Last week was our last bank for a while, the government needs to recover and we have enough funds to keep going for some time."

"Oh, what about after that? Will I-" Mara leaned forward in the couch opposite him, and spoke.

"Dan, my plans are for me to know. Everyone else is kept on a 'need to know' basis; including you." Dan pressed his lips together and nodded. She motioned for him to leave after that; he began to rise then sat back down to ask something.

"Um, why did the cops not come after us at the bank? They should have responded in the time it took for us to do it." Mara looked at him with her chin up and eyes slotted. Dan fully expected her to tell him to leave again.

"We had a diversion heist going on a few blocks away. They were too far to get to us by time they heard about us." Dan's eyebrow drew together.

"They sent all the officers to the other heist?"

"Yeah, because they thought it was us, the crew that's been robbing banks around the city." She looked unimpressed by Dan's confused expression. "I had one of the girls put on a backup suit and waltz around in it." Dan aahed in understanding.

Mara looked at him with a formal expression, not making a move, then Dan remembered she had told him to leave so he got up and did as instructed.

Dan had to stuff his hands into his pockets to hide them from visibly shaking. He exhaled and though he could not see the breath, he knew it had drifted away. Some part of him wished he could do the same. Dan knew he was good at talking to people, it was one of his only talents, but his confidence dwindled at the idea of how the coming scenario would play out.

He stood in front of the South Side Police Department, about to go in and report a fake crime. His real goal was to case – a developing skill of his – and figure out which officer or officers he could get under Mara's belt, by as many means as he is capable. Needless to say, Dan knew people, but manipulating cops was out of his depth of comfort. He gulped and walked up the steps, out of the oncoming summer sun.

The police precinct was like any shown on television, except less clean. The blue and white paint had dirt on it, the floors did not shine and the officers looked much less orderly and occupied. More than one officers were not at their desks and the ones that were worked at a sluggish pace. Dan scanned the room, he saw a woman at a desk, seemingly unoccupied, and he walked over to her.

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