Important Note: Plagiarism

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Hello Wattpad Fam,

It has been brought to our attention that there are certain Ashaangi fanfictions
which have been plagiarized from other works.

Having a similar plot line is alright. But copying word to word from another author's work and taking credits and praises for that is not only unethical but also completely unacceptable!

These plagiarized fanfictions are directly copied from other fandoms, famous wattpad reads or even from different fanfiction websites.

Its a simple case of find and replace.
They are simply copying other's work and replacing and changing the names of the characters and presenting it as their works.

As a writer and an avid reader it is very painful to see the harwork of one author being stolen like this!

Each and everyone of us write fanfictions during our free time. We take time out of our busy schedule and spend hours to write an update!
We are not getting paid for this! We are writing purely for our passion, inspiration and for the love we have for Ashaangi.

The votes, comments and reads is what keeps us going.
And To think someone stealing the product of our hardwork..

I kindly request all the readers to immediately contact those authors whom you trust if you come across any such fanfiction which you suspect to be plagiarized or are sure of it.

We will do the needful!
Sorry family, just wanted to bring this issue to your notice!

Feel free to DM me anytime in anyone of the social medias:

Instagram: sivash__t98
Twitter : ashaangi_4ever

Love you all💜


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