Advancements Being Made

5 1 1


Sexual assault

Mentions of blood



Daso's P.O.V.

Still holding onto Shin, I can hear the soft and evened breaths as he exhales. With so many emotions fronting at once, no doubt he was exhausted. Leaning down, I take time to whisper nothing but reassurance.

"You're okay Shin, take all the time you need. I'll be here when you wake."

Holding him closer, I take in the scenery around us.

"Is this where he goes when he's alone?"

I couldn't help but notice how run-down the cemetery is, you would think, with it being a temple of importance, they'd keep it maintained. Looking back to the headstone, I start a conversation with Mr. Tokugawa as if he were in my presence.

"I swear on my life Shin is in good hands-"

* 20-minute time skip*

"After everything had happened, you can probably tell that that's what brought us to this very moment."

Taking a moment to catch my breath, I glance down at Shin. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Still admiring Shin, I continue the conversation.

"I never imagined coming across someone so pure and kind-hearted such as your son. Someone who sees the good in others, even if they themselves do not. Someone who has nothing but good intentions for those around him. Someone truly worth fighting for."

Shin's P.O.V

Slowly waking up, I can feel the pressure of someone's arms around my shoulders.

"Someone truly worth fighting for."

Daso? Remembering what had recently happened, I assume he must be talking to my father. Lightly, I tug at his sleeve.

"Shin, how are you feeling?"

"Honestly, I feel like I'm on the verge of exploding. But something's stopping me from doing it. As if there's a barrier I can't get past. I don't want everything I'm feeling, continuously build-up to the point of destruction."

Looking at my father's headstone, I feel a lump in the back of my throat starting to form. With a raspy voice, I take a deep breath.

"I-I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like everything around me is- it's all falling apart."

Instantly, Daso pulls me into his chest. Resting his chin atop my head, he starts rubbing my back.

"Shin, I promise you. If that day were to ever come, I will be there. And because of how pent up your emotions are right now, there's a great chance that you will always be on edge. That is until you're able to release everything. At once for that matter. I know you don't want it to happen, but it has to. You won't always feel stuck. I know I won't let that happen and I can speak for the others when I say the family won't let that happen either. We'll all do our best to help you overcome whatever struggles you're going through."

"Daso...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything, I just want you to know that you don't have to go through it alone."



"Is it alright-- could I possibly stay with you tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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