Chapter 3

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A greater robot makes it's presence known. The ground trembles from each step it takes.

Examinees flee. Running for their lives. Some trip and struggle to rise again due to shock. The robot continues, and instead of backing off, as you'd think it do assuming the proctors of the exam would prefer to not kill anyone, but instead, it stomps toward the poor children. In one step.

All it'll take is one step for the robot to crush a few students, 3 maybe. It raises it's foot and pushes down, the students are left with no chance to survive, bones crack. Everyone's silent.

The robot lifts it's leg. The 3 students now crumbs of bones, sticky dark red blood attached to the sole of the robot's right foot.

Screams reach highs. People no longer wish to pass if the heroes running the exam are fine with casualties.

But frankly, they do care. The examining room, where heroes may watch the exam, is in panic. Some of them leave to tend to the merciless machine, while other's are simply in shock this was able to happen.

The robots face contorts into itselfs, a green blur at its front, and a hole is made and the robot drops as it is unable to recover from the damage.

The green blur drops, plumets, gravity pulling it towards the earth, attempting to push it into the ground.

"I see, I see. So they weren't planning on any commiseration¹? That's alleviating, though-" Regulus approaches a specific location.

Heroes enter the scene. Most notable, a tall, overly buff blonde one. A smile ever so stuck to his face, even with the fertilizer on the ground.

Eyeing the corpses that lie before him, he sighs. "-is this really appropriate? I mean, we didn't even waver responsiblity!" A short, elderly woman approaches.

Scanning the bodies, terror paints her face. "Oh dear, oh dear--!" Recovery lady. It's said she can restore any injury. But not even she can bring the dead back. Saddening.

Police arrive, as does an ambulance. All Might, with his booming voice, speaks:

"Hello there young examinees! Due to recent-" his eyes waver a bit. Looking towards the corpses, he notices Regulus simply observing, no panic or fear, but instead boredom on his face. "-events, all those who attended this exam will automatically pass! It's the least we can do." Though his voice was booming throughout the whole bit, the last sentence was spoken softly.

News was cast onto UA Highschool, and their statement on the matter was demanded. All Might promised that what transpired today will never happen again, that every student has been accepted, if conditions are met, and the families of those examinees that passed will be compensated.

Regulus leaves the scene. Returning to his mansion, he's greeted with Subaru and Rem. Regulus eyes them, one shrunken. "Who gave you the ri--." "I did, Archbishop Corneas." A voice sweeter than syrup speaks. You'd think the person that owned such a beautiful voice, would look a certain way, no? Well, what you percieved is incorrect. Probably.

Standing in front of them, specifically Regulus, appeared a short, platinum haired woman, whose beauty unparalleled that even Rem felt envious, which was overshadowed by another, deeper feeling, and Subaru, well, is Subaru. Her skin completely pale, it's said that if she ever spoke to an everyday man, even acknowledging their existence would cause them a heart attack, killing them. In this case, looks do kill.

"I hope that's okay with you, Archbishop Corneas?" Her smile neutral.

Regulus face contorts, first, into fury, then emptiness. "Yes Pandora~sama." He bows. Pandora's smile ever so slightly grows. She turns to the 2 guests. "I hope you two will enjoy your stay here." Rem clicks her tongue.

She doesn't know who Pandora is, in fact, very little people do, but her being makes her uncomfortable. Uneasy and edgy. Restive² and tense.

"Sure! I mean I won't complain about a free mansion!" Subaru beams. Regulus's eye twitches. "Yes, I will take my leave. Please treat them well Archbishop Corneas." She vanishes. Simply vanishes.

Regulus's face trembles. He's pissed. Not that he can do anything though.

> >

"Goodnight Subaru~kun." Rem inches closer to Subaru. He chuckles nervously "G-Goodnight Rem." Rem refused to leave Subaru's side in this foreign location and insisted on sleeping together. Unfortunate for Subaru.

Commiserstion¹ - Sympathy for misfortune.

Restive² - Unable to sit still due to dissatisfaction.


Its 3am and i cant sleep helpppppppp

Anyways hope u enjoyed reading i recently got back into hamilton songs and am vibing \(- -\) (/- -)/


After last chapter i felt i overdid it with the wording and usage of similes and stuff so i toned it down here


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