Chapter 2

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The sun blares into the pupils of students with high aspirations¹. The reflections of one another in their irises.

All of them hope-fillled. Subaru no different. He speeds around taking in everyones abilites, quirks, magic, or simple brute strength. Each one unique in it's respective way. There was one issue.

Regulus Corneas.

He stands different from everyone else, a white coat with golden trims, underneath a blue dress shirt. White pants and white shoes. A gold and white complexion. One could confuse him with royalty, given the atmosphere of arrogance, or even hubris.

 One could confuse him with royalty, given the atmosphere of arrogance, or even hubris

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[POV Change]

The sight of the exam's amusing. All these people, who are at the same time, filled with this vision, the vision that they will succeed! I've seen their abilities, if they're able to prosper then this exam must be improved greatly, less people who aren't deserving of any compansation are allowed passage to this school! All of these words created from condescending ideologies², flow into Regulus's mind.

"Excuse me?" The thought bubble popped. "Hm?" Regulus glances to the speaker. A short, green haired, boy. He then refocuses his thoughts, hoping to regain the train. The boy's voice becoming more and more an echo in Regulus's temple.

Speakers yell, the temple now shattered glass. "Ready?! Set! Go!" Everyone begins shoving and pushing one another. As much as it would please Regulus to expunge³ everyone who dare press themseleves against him, doing so would indirectly contradict what the Gospel demands.

Regulus may be tyrrincal. May be conceited⁴. May be incredibly average. But even he understands what the gospel asks is what he must fulfill.

To pass, you need to destroy robots. Which to Regulus, is nothing. It would be nothing. Using his authority here would remove a few of them, tearing the bonds between molecules and turn them to lone atoms.

Walking. He decides to wait. Only the smaller ones are visible. He needs the bigger ones, after all, it would be safe to assume the greater the carnage, the greater the profit. Behind closed doors all eyes place on him.

Not in awe or surprise, but disillusionment⁵. Even from their quarters can they sense and very visibly see the arrogance in his stride.

"Now, what will I do? What am I meant to do? Destroy these mindless concoctions of techonolgy and savagery?" He sighs. Looking around he noticed bigger ones begin to mobilize. "But does not matter. I will prevail. I can't fail. It's an impossibility, not even comprehensible!" Regulus quickly realizes the spiral his mind is setting up.

"Excuse me? You never answered my question--." Its the boy from earlier. Regulus eyes him, turns his head and continues walking. The matters of the average person mean nothing to a being of his worth.

One of the smaller robots approach him. Regulus's face remains apathetic⁶. As it goes for one of the most basic forms of attack, a punch, acid is poured over it. The acid seeps inside the robots side, electric particles spark. The robot violently plumets the the ground beneath it.

"Hm." Regulus can't decide whether to be grateful or aggravated. Grateful for his problem being dealt with, or annoyed that someone stole possible points from him.

As more robots make themselves apparent⁷, Regulus decide to go on the offensive.

As they approach him, the robots dissapear, or even dissipate⁸. The robot closest to him is the only one with a molecular structure, the head!

Again, everyone keeping an eye on the exam take notice. From their perspective, point of view, from what their eyes tell them! Eyes aren't always truthful. But what their peripheral vision⁹ saw sparked unease.

The egoist surrounded by nothing but the atmosphere he brings with his presence. Robots flood students, overwhelming some to the point medical assistance is needed. But their he stands, enclosed by nothing. Maybe 6 meters; 20 feet of dead air.

Aspiration¹ - Hope of succeeding.

Ideologies² - Ideas and way of thinking of an individual.

Expunge³ - Erase or remove completely.

Conceited⁴ - Excessively proud of oneself.

Disillusionment⁵ - Dissapointment from realzing something isn't as great as percieved to be.

Apathetic⁶ - Feeling no interest.

Apparent ⁷ - Obvious.

Dissipate⁸ - Disappearing of something not physically real.

Peripheral Vision⁹ - Vision seen by the side of the eye.


Hi i wrote this in the my school's library :>

I feel like i have regulus's way of acting down, but not so much his dictation; the words he tends to use. So any criticisms on that would be appreciated!

I learned a new word while writing this, disillusionment, pretty cool word right?

Say right pls.

Hope u enjoyed and cya next chapter!

Regulus Corneas(Re:Zero) x BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now