t w e n t y - t w o

375 60 16

Ooh, I need to believe in love
Why is what you give never enough?
Losing you is what I'm afraid of
I need to believe, believe in love
Don't wanna look back
When I'm older on what didn't happen

Believe in Love

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Jeongguk needed a clear mind. Though a clear mind was almost impossible to achieve, considering the thousands of voices echoing through the boy's head all the time.

He arrived at the metal gate between the two restaurants, pressing his phone against his ear. "I need a password," he said.

"Nah. Gimme one second. I'll come down and let you in."

The boy licked his lips, tasting the saltiness of rainwater as he surveyed the puddles under his feet. The little mirrors on the ground reflected the dreary gray sheet of the clouds. Jeongguk dipped the tip of his boot in one, smiling wistfully as the water rippled like his scattering emotions.

"Oh shit you're soaked," Yoongi laughed, approaching the gate. He unlocked it swiftly and led Jeongguk towards the elevator. "Did you not know that it was going to rain today?"

"I forgot. But at least your ingredients aren't wet."

Yoongi brought the boy up to his two-story apartment, grinning when Jeongguk dropped his things by the door and did a double-take.

"This is your place?" he exclaimed, jaw on the ground as Yoongi nudged the door shut.

It was spacious, with ceiling-to-floor windows that allowed endless streaks of gloomy tones in, drenching the home with the absence of sunlight that day. A bookshelf stood adjacent to the dust-covered fireplace. Household items were pushed aside on both ends of the floor, suggesting that Yoongi had made a futile attempt to tidy things up before Jeongguk's arrival.

"Mostly my parents," Yoongi corrected, placing the flour and the small bottled vanilla extract on the counter before thanking Jeongguk for taking the trip to the supermarket.

"Where are your parents?"

"Don't ask me." He shrugged. "I haven't seen them in over a year." He tossed the chestnut boy a towel to dry off in.

Jeongguk began ruffling his hair with it, taking a pause by the window and peering down at the busy streets. He wondered if this was Taehyung's view whenever he floated. "Your parents travel a lot? Business people?"

"My mom is. My dad's a literature professor at this university, hence all the classics." Yoongi gestures towards the books lined up on the shelves and turned back to his kitchen. "Do you have any frosting preferences?"

"Anything's fine."

"Chocolate buttercream it is."

"You need help reading the recipe or something?" Jeongguk teased, running a hand along the rim of the baking pan.

"Nope." Yoongi tapped his index finger on his temple in triumph. "It's all in here. Plus, not having my glasses doesn't make me blind."

The chestnut boy smiled, staring into the far distance. Maybe baking would take his mind off things. "The same question remains— why not just get a new pair of them?"

"It's complicated."

Jeongguk shot him a glance, lining a piece of parchment fitted to the cake pan. Guess there were still walls Yoongi hadn't found the courage to tear down.

"I don't want to talk about it, if that's what you're here for." He stopped working completely, turning to face Jeongguk. "I don't want you to be here out of sympathy."

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