camp campbell

662 8 2

TW: child abuse, cursing, violence

Max slept in, knowing his parents would kill him. He panicked grabbing his blue hoodie and yellow shirt. He packed only Mr. Honeynuts and other extra things. He walks downstairs upset.

"No breakfast Max, for wasting my damn time, now hurry up!" his mom shouts.

Max quickly nodded, knowing that if he made his parents even more mad he'd be dead. The rumble in his stomach, he wanted food.

"Hey, uh- Dad, did you sign my-" Max got cut off immediately feeling the slap across his face.

"Can you be quiet for one damn second!" his dad's horrible breath in his face.

Max felt the stinging pain from his right cheek. He decided to go to the car earlier to escape his parents.

He wonders what they put on his camp sign up sheet. After all, last year they didn't even try.

Max hears the front door slam and flinches. He hopes the car ride doesn't last long. His parents walk towards the car door as they get inside.

"I can't wait til you're gone Max, you're so fucking annoying," his mom laughs while looking out the window.

Max sits there trying not to show that he's sad. He's always been said this to his face for years. He just wish he could speak up for himself. I'm only a kid, right? He always thought to himself.

"For sure, tired of having to beat your ass just to teach you how to behave," his dad smirks, starting to drive the car.

Max frowns and looks out the window. He wishes he could have fun in the city, his parents only took him once but he was probably a baby. He still remembers it to this day. As the streets start moving faster, the more mesmerized he gets.

"Do you like camp Max?" Max's father asked looking at him through the car mirror.

He freezes. He knew he didn't really love camp, but he liked how he was away from home. Max knew why he was asking this question. He wanted to somehow make it bad, make it worse for him.


"You're lying aren't you?" his dad's eyes start to look mad.

"How would you know that, not that you care," Max grunts, hoping his parents don't go off at him.

"Excuse me, you do NOT talk to your father like that!" his mom grabs his arm from the back seat, causing his small body to move forward.

Max looks away from his mother's eyes, squinting. Waiting for the hit.

"YOU LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M SPEAKING TO YOU!" his mom shouts in his face.

Max looks at her, shaking. He didn't want to make things worse.

"Please stop!" Max cried.

She slaps him in the face, hard. Max screams in pain while his eyes start to water. Still holding tight on Max's arm. She punches him in the stomach and he starts to cry.

"I'm sorry mom...please..." He begs.

"YOU WERE A MISTAKE!" she yells, punching Max in the face as hard as she could and letting him go, while he drops onto his head on the car floor.

Max tasted the blood from his busted lip. He winced in pain. He was trapped in this car. With maybe an hour left. He tried to get up but his stomach ached.

"GAH-" he cried, he couldn't lift himself up. Why am I so weak? He thought to himself. He looked down on the floor and there was more blood dripping from his gums and teeth. Shit. He thought.

camp camp au | max's parentsWhere stories live. Discover now