Chapter 7

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Your arms were tied up with chains, it could be just a rope but you are too strong now, and you had to stay put so it was the only way, and Chan was trying to calm you down and hold your legs so then he could take care of your back, but everything you could do was scream, cry and try to break the chains. “Y/N you have to calm down! I’m just trying to help you!”. Your eyes would go blue and back to normal several times, with that much pain you would naturally transform, but you couldn't, you were literally out of energy. There was a medium piece of wood in your back, it wasn't too deep but it was preventing it from healing, so Chan needed to take it off as quickly as possible, but whenever he touched it you screamed even louder, and it was painful for him too, your scream was so loud, it would hurt his ears and head, and he couldn't just take it off because it would rip your shirt and remembering the moment that you two were, he couldn't do that, control is something difficult for a wolf, just a few can actually do it. “Just stop moving for one second!”. He climbed on top of you sitting on your legs to hold them so you couldn't move much, even though you were screaming, he lightly lifted your shirt and in less than a second he took the wood off your back, you screamed again and broke the chains, seeing that, Chan had to hold your arms until you calmed down. After at least 3 minutes, you stopped screaming, but you were still crying and trying to move. Without getting off you, he cleaned all the bruises, all over your body, he had to take off your shirt and bra so then he could bandage your entire torso and then cleaned and bandaged your legs, you were wearing just a short now, since the rest was covered. Calmly, he got off you and laid you on your back, your hair stuck to your forehead, you were red and sweaty, especially on your face. Your eyes were closed. “I will be right back”. He left the room and came back a few seconds later with a cup of water, he gently lifted your head and you drank everything. You calmly open your eyes. “Hey Chan…” you said, tired, almost voiceless. You tried to sit on the bed but he insisted that you stayed put. “If you move too much it will be painful, just rest, okay?”, “you know what is the weirdest thing… a few years ago I had a huge crush on you, little did I know you would be taking care of me now.”, you too laughed a little bit. He looked at you and started to feel hot, he wanted to touch you and you wanted to touch him, but as soons as he realized he got up. “I can’t stay near you y/n, I’m so sorry”, “I know I know, don't worry”, he smiled. “I won't leave you alone, I will just talk to the boys and I will be right back, but don’t worry, I’ll stay downstairs and try to fix the mess we made down there”. Both laughed but before he could close the doors, you said “Chan…”, he looked at you “who killed my parents?”. His calm face turned into a really anxious and nervous face, he was struggling to breathe, and couldn't look at you. “I uh…. we don’t know, Y/N. But try to don’t think about that, you need rest”. He didn't give you an opportunity to answer, he just left and closed the door, you knew he was lying, but he was right, you needed rest, your vision was getting blur, so you decided to close your eyes and try to sleep.

P.O.V. Chan

I couldn’t lie to her anymore, the look on her face, she is disappointed, she know I’m lying to her, but is just not my place to tell her the truth, is Jeongin’s.
I left the house and walked straight into the forest, meeting with the boys after walking for more or less 10 minutes.
“Hey Chan… is everything okay?”. Felix asked, seeing that I was worried, “I’m fine, just tired, you did a great job controlling yourself back there, you know? It would be good if a few more could do it”, I said looking at Minho and we all laughed, but he rolled his eyes. “How’s Y/N? Is she hurt?”, we looked at Jeongin, he wasn’t looking at us, he was looking at the floor, as if he was ashamed. “She is fine, she is sleeping, but she asked about what happened… in that night”, “Of course she did”. Jeongin sat on the floor and covered his face with his hands. We did the same and looked at him, trying to comfort him.
“I can’t keep lying to her… I feel so ashamed when she looks at me, and I can’t look at her because I remember, everytime I hear her voice or look at her I remember what I did, and she probably thinks that I don't talk to her because I don't like her... but the truth is... she was terrified in that night Hyung… she will never forgive me”, his eyes were watering and I hugged him. “She will, now she is like us so she will understand that you weren't there THERE, when it happened, it was out of your control, it was your first night, we should have been there to look out for you”, “Chan’s right, you can’t blame yourself, besides, this lifestyle… our lifestyle is dangerous and accidents happen all the the time with us” Changbin said. “I wanna tell her the truth, I wanna tell her what I did, what happened that night”.