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Byeol slumped to her side, fading out of consciousness.  Seojun kneeled down quickly to catch her. He didn't seem to notice some students had walked near them, hearing what was happening.

"Byeol, no please stay with me."

He pleaded and he checked her pulse.

It wasn't there.

"No, No, No."

He panicked and laid her down gently. The only sane thing that popped into his head was to perform cpr. He put his hands together and started pumping her chest down. He hesitated only for a second before putting his lips on her cold ones, blowing air into her system.

"What's going on?"

The principal came up to the kids to see Seojun performing CPR on Byeol. He shrieked at the dead looking girl. He looked around for answers but everyone was as shocked as he was. Suddenly, everyone heard the ambulance in the distance.

Her watch must've notified the ambulance .

He thought to himself

Seojun didn't stop pushing her chest and giving her air, desperate to see her chest moving again.

"Damn it! It's not working!"

Seojun exhaled harshly, accidentally pushing down on her chest a little too hard, but that seemed to work out in his favor.

The girl finally sucked in air dramatically but remained unconscious. Seojun and everyone around them let out a huge sigh of relief. Seojun went to check her pulse again. It was small but still there. He breathed out a 'thank you' to whatever god that let her live.

"Seojun, let's get her to the ambulance."

Mr. Han, who had just arrived, said.

Seojun nodded and picked up the girl in one swift motion, carrying her bridal-style.

He ran towards the ambulance and everyone tried to follow but the teachers held them back, saying they shouldn't crowd them.

Seojun looked down at Byeol, she looked lifeless. Her once pink cheeks, now deadly pale.

He shook his head at the thought of losing her.

He caught sight of the ambulance and the paramedics  as they quickly took her from his arms. They placed her on a gurney and attended to her. He backed up and realized his hands were shaking.

"What happened?"

Sooho's voice broke Seojun out of his trance.

Sooho walked up to where Seojun was standing and saw the girl. He panicked and looked at Seojun.

"What did you do?!"

Sooho raised his voice. Seojun looked at him shocked and in defense.

"I didn't do anything, I saved her god damn life."

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