Chapter 5: After Yesterday's Lie

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Author's Note: The events in this part follow the events in the show-cannon in S2E10 Yesterday's Lie (as the title suggests), with one key difference (thank you, thank you, I'm here all week 😅), that being that they had the actual portal key to use for their experimental door, not just some Titan's blood on part of Amity's glove.

The portal still only goes to the in between realm and the story is otherwise unchanged, but when the portal collapses in on itself, the key remains, with slightly less blood in it than before the experiment.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

--- Luz ---

"Who dubbed you a parent?" Eda pointedly asked Hooty.

"Hey, if it's okay with you guys, I am gonna head up to my room I need to... Go over the portal schematics and see if I can't get any more information from the echo mouse." Luz lied to the the group, looking downtrodden.

"Alright kid, but remember, Bonesburrough wasn't built in a day, so don't beat yourself up over what was a very successful trial run- it may take a little time but we are gonna get this. I promise." Eda said putting a hand on the human's shoulder and offering a reassuring smile.

Those last two words rang in Luz's mind.

I promise.

Luz forced a smile and went up to her room and laid down on her makeshift bed.

This is a mess. Mamí looked so hurt, and it's all my fault. I could have told her sooner, or gone back to visit- maybe it wouldn't be this way. Now I have to go back and leave all my new friends, leave Eda, and... Amity.

Luz rolled over so her face was buried in the pillow and screamed.

We just started dating. I'm finally doing well in school. Maybe I'm not always on the right side of the law, but it's not my fault the emporer is an evil whackjob!

Not to mention I have dinner with the Blights tomorrow- talk about out of the fring pan and into the fire.

Luz rolled over onto her back, "Dios mío, what am I going to do?" She groaned to herself.

"M A Y B E Y O U C A N H A N G O U T W I T H Y O U R G I R L F R I E N D W H O I S W A L K I N G U P T O T H E H O U S E R I G H T N O W . H O O T!" Came a voice from just out of Luz's field of view. Luz reactively sprang up and punched Hooty in the face.

"O W W ! H O O T !" Hooty responded with a glare.

Luz shrugged at the house demon." I'm sorry Hooty, but you really need to announce yourself before coming into a room, I've told you before, an open window is not the same thing as an open door. Thanks for letting me know Amity is here though." She gave the bird tube a tender pat on the head before looking out the window and seeing Amity strolling up to the house, her arms crossed over her chest.

Oh no, she looks worried, I should go and see what's up.

Luz walked downstairs and opened the door right as Amity was about to knock, so she sorta just swung her fist into the air next to Luz and her adorable pale face blushed bright red.

"I'msosorry, Ididn'tmeanto almosthityou-" Amity started apologizing with words so fast they almost ceased to have meaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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