Chapter 4: Back at Blight Manor

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The cold night air felt good against Amity's face on the trip back to her house.

Uhg, I really hope mom doesn't grill me about why I was out so late. I don't know why she has to be so- uhhg!- just why she has to make everything so hard. She doesn't push Ed and Em like she pushes me- it's not fair. Amity took a breath and calmed herself down a bit. I know she loves me, but I would love it if she learned new ways to show it.

She arrived at the manor and quietly snuck into the empty foyer,

Oh good, maybe she is already in bed. Amity hoped as she walked into the living room as lightly as she-

"Mittens! I know it's the weekend, but you are out awfully late considering you have school tomorrow." Odalia's voice sent a shiver up Amity's spine, and she turned to see the matriarch sitting in an armchair by the fire.

"Yes mother, you are right, I should get to bed immediately.", Amity offered as she began to make for the stairs.

"Not so fast, Mittens, you have been spending a lot of time at the Owl House recently." Odalia stated, as if it were a clear question.

"Yes? I have been. My friends are over there." Amity defended.

"Oh I know, the Owl Lady, the Park girl, the illusionist boy... And that human girl." Odalia took a sip from her tea glass on the counter. "Every other thing I hear seems to be about her getting you into some kind of incedident." It was unclear if Odalia meant to put a bit of venom into that last word, or if it was just the unpleasant cadence of her voice.

"Oh, an incident like you almost killing her on stage?" Amity spat back.

"Now, now, Amity," her mother chided, looking down, as if ashamed- but that didn't seem right "I already... Apologized", the word clearly left a foul taste in her mouth, "to you for that. I am genuinely worried about you, and the influence she is having on your trajectory. I don't want you to lose sight of what is important." Odalia looked as though actually concerned.

Amity took a deep breath.

"I know what is important, mother, Luz helped me find that again." Amity smiled to herself, dropping the deadpan facade that she had always hid behind in front of her mother. "I know you are only trying to do what is best for me," she looked up at her mother, her eyes growing full of tears, "But we can do truly horrible things for the people we love." Amty clamped her eyes shut and covered her face so her mother couldn't see her cry.

"Amity darling," Odalia's voice softened as she stood up and went to Amity, getting down on one knee to be at her daughter's level and put a hand on her shoulder, "What is it dear?" She softly asked.

Oh Titan I can't believe that SHE is the first person I'm really talking to about this.

Amity caught her breath, but still hid her face behind her arms. "Someone was going to hurt Luz today, and I..." She looked up at her mother, revealing her her damp cheeks and bloodshot eyes "..I was going to do terrible things to them, mother." Her face was wracked with shame and hurt after saying this out loud, and the tears started again, and she went to hide her face again.

"Oh Mittens," her mother surprised her by pulling her into an embrace- clearly it was awkward for her- but it served it's purpose and helped quell the sobs of the witchling, "It's okay now, I won't let anything happen to you... To either of you."

Amity giggled through her tears, "That's a big shift from sacrificing her to make some sales." Amity poked at her mother.

"Well didn't you almost get her dissected a few months ago?" Her mother retorted with a smirk. "We Blights take big swings, it's who we are."

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