Part 6: Coffee | Terrible Music

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After two weeks, the twins had grown up to be about the size of twelve-year-olds, and were acting like teens. This week Fushiguro had the duty to be the dad, even though he was 15 years old.

Fushiguro had most of the responsibility over them but Gojo, Zen'in Senpai, and inumaki Senpai had also taken care of them from time to time. Panda Senpai would occasionally stepped in to play too. Kugisaki maintained her distance from all of them for a long time, complaining that the scratches Sukuna gave her might leave a scar, which was highly unlikely to happen.

Gojo had invited Nanami to come and "play" with them several times. That was a for sure no, unless Fushiguro asked, then it was a solid maybe. He had a higher tolerance for Fushiguro than Gojo...Nanami's senior being at around negative one hundred.

Sukuna and Itadori had moved back into Yuji's room from Fushiguro's, who had to sleep with both of them for a week and a half. Gojo had offered to take them for two nights after seeing Fushiguro's sleep-deprived face.

"Here let me take them for a night, I can't sleep anyway," his lips perked up at the corners, his eyes blocked by the blindfold. "Go get some sleep Megumi-Chan."

The worst part was their music taste, whenever the four of them went on a "road trip" Sukuna would insist on playing his music taste, which consisted of Corpse, Missio, Gorillaz, Eminem and all the weird artists. He liked their songs, but Megumi didn't think he knew what the context of their songs were, Fushiguro could translate a few words and he became a bit worried.

    "Err, Sukuna?" Fushiguro tapped Sukuna's bare shoulder, since he was wearing a black tank top. "Do you know what the translating to these songs are?"

    "Yes I do Megumi-chan." Sometimes he could be a twerp, but he never insulted him or called Fushiguro names.

    "Then why do you listen to them?"
    "Because I can, I want to, and I like them." He said slightly sarcastically. He turned his head and looked Fushiguro straight in the face. "Like you and your injuries-" He was trying to keep a straight face while saying it, but he broke mid -sentence. Him and Itadori burst out laughing, Gojo snickered because it was true, Fushiguro was always getting injured. An irk mark appeared on his forehead and he tried to ignore them.

    "God, you damn kids," Fushiguro scoffed.
    "You're a kid too you know," Gojo Sensei observed. "I'm the only adult here. But Ryomen, you should steer to more wholesome music, like MINE!!" Gojo was the only person who called Sukuna by his first name.

    "Gojo you Baka," Fushiguro muttered.

    "Oi, oi, don't make me do anything, I'm stronger and better than you, Megumi-chan, Gojo." Sukuna flipped through Megumi's phone, searching for another song to ruin their ears with.

     "I beg to differ..." Gojo raised his pale hand slowly.

     "Bahaha." Itadori laughed.

"YOWAI MO." Sukuna mocked. "And yet you're the least mature here. How old are you anyways?"

      "Never ask an adult his age-" Gojo raised a finger as he was cut off by Megumi.

      "He's twenty nine," Fushiguro said from the backseat next to Itadori.

       "WAIT FOR REAL?!" Sukuna didn't believe it. "You're JOKING."

       "Nope." Fushiguro said as Gojo pursed his lips.

When they parked in the garage of the school. Gojo disappeared, literally. Instead of walking to his room, he teleported, which was a little over-the-top, but butthurt or not, Gojo was always over-the-top.

"You two," Megumi sighed. "Go to Maki's room, she needs you for something, and I need to sleep." Fushiguro felt like he was passing out, even after he drank a cup of coffee when they went into Sendai to shop for Itadori and Sukuna, who got a few odd looks because of his markings. After all, he looked like he was thirteen.

"Twins" { 𝑅. 𝑆𝑢𝑘𝑢𝑛𝑎 &  𝑌.𝐼𝑡𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑖 }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ