Part 1: Cries

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     Megumi Fushiguro had never seen his teacher so worried. As Gojo Satoru yelled his student's name, he called upon his Shingami "Divine Dogs".

    "YUJI!!!" Gojo sensei yelled again."Megumi-chan, where do you think he went? He's not that stupid." Under the blindfold, Megumi could sense the fear in Gojo Sensei's eyes.   

    "I'm not sure, maybe he was knocked out by a curse...?" Megumi replied, running alongside
his Sensei.

        Kugisaki was at the school seeking medical treatment, so it was just the two of them.
Megumi stopped suddenly, he heard crying.

    "Sensei, do you hear that?" He had stopped a few metres ahead of Megumi.

    "Crying?" He cupped his ear. "Yes I do."

    "We should check it out," Megumi said urgently.

    "What about Itadori-kun?"

   They ran in the direction of the crying. "Damn it!" Fushiguro sucked in a gulp of air, feeling the sharp pain in his side. He gripped it tightly. Gojo Sensei never seems to get can he run so fast for such an extended amount of time?
    They turned the corner, in a dark, wet alleyway they saw two tiny figures, one looked unconscious, the crying was coming from the child hunkering over the other.

    "Are you alright?" Gojo asked the figures with a surprised look on his face. The one crying replied in a tiny broken voice.

    "He's not waking up..." That voice seemed terrifyingly familiar. It sent tingles up and down Megumi's sweating back. "He-he's n-not waiting up." He turned toward his unconscious friend and shook him. "Yuuji-kun, wake up!"

    'Yuuji-kun'?! Fushiguro thought with a spark of anxiety jostling his stomach. That's Itadori?! Then who is that?! "Gojo Sensei." Fushiguro whispered in his ear. "I think that's Sukuna who's crying.

    "I see." Relief showered his face. "But how??"   
"I don't know but I think it is the work of a curse." Fushiguro said quietly. "A curse that can rewind time in people probably—grade one or higher."

    "This isn't good. If this is really Sukuna and Itadori-kun then this curse must be powerful." Gojo said. "We need to deal with it as soon as possible. Megumi-chan, you take these two back to Jujitsu Tech, and then come meet up with me so we can exorcise this son of a bitch."
    Megumi knew things were serious when Gojo started saying 'bitch'.

       "You go then." Fushiguro broke out in a cold sweat when Gojo disappeared.  

"Okayyyyy..." He walked toward Sukuna and Itadori. He squatted when he was a foot's distance from the now small curse and classmate. The crying boy was definitely Sukuna. He was wearing the white and blue kimono that Itadori described, and showed him and Kugisaki. His hair was the familiar pink with brown undertone, it stuck up, unlike Yuji's, which laid flat on his forehead. The tattoos, or markings were a clear giveaway too. Those made Fushiguro the most uncomfortable.
It was weird, he was squatting in front of the king of curses, Ryomen Sukuna, like he was a child, and he was. If Fushiguro's theory was correct, Itadori was hit with a certain curse's power and he and Sukuna suffered the consequences, temporarily separating them. (Fushiguro only hoped it was temporary).
    "Sukuna....?" Megumi started. "What happened?"

    "Yuji-kun got hurt!" Sukuna wrapped his tiny hand around Fushiguro's two longest fingers, his other tiny hand still holding onto Itadori. "Help him plwezz."
Sukuna didn't seem hostile, he was acting like how a child this age would if someone he loved got hurt. Fushiguro stood and picked up the unconscious Itadori. His face had blood on it, from a nosebleed and a cut probably in his hair. "Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?" He asked Sukuna.

    "Cawwy me," Sukuna extended his stubby hands and groped for Fushiguro's other arm. Megumi bent over and managed to get Sukuna in his left arm, they were surprisingly lightweight for their "age" which was about three or four years old. Divine dogs and guarded the three of them as Fushiguro walked in the direction of his school.

"Twins" { 𝑅. 𝑆𝑢𝑘𝑢𝑛𝑎 &  𝑌.𝐼𝑡𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑖 }Where stories live. Discover now