Chapter Four

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"Anne, have you taken my iron?"

"It's on my sink," Anne yelled back, continuing to flip through the magazine in her hands like Elouise wasn't about to lose her mind. She caught only a glimpse of her as she ran from Anne's bathroom back to hers, panicking in her nightgown. "Louise, level yourself out a bit."

"I'm late, Anne!" Elouise yelled. "He said he'd be coming at seven!"

"And it's five past," Anne stood from her chair, sighing as she sat down her magazine and walked into Elouise's room. "He's already late. Not a great first impression-"

Just as she said it, a knock sounded at the door.

"I'll get it," she assured her sister, ducking back out and walking to the front door. She opened it just a bit, peering at the man outside for the first time.

He stood, dressed in a suit and tie with an overcoat that mismatched his slacks. His hair was slicked back with gel, as was the style, and his face was structured- cheekbones high, lips chapped and plump. Anne swallowed, instantly noticing what was different about him.

He was Chinese.

She did her best to stand up straight. "Hello, are you Henry?"

"I am," he smiled, and it was only then that she noticed the flowers in his hand. Wild daisies, in fairly good condition even though she knew they grew mostly by the road. "Is Elousie here?"

"She'll be just a few minutes," Anne replied, opening the door up further. "Why don't you come in?"

He thanked her, brushing past and removing his shoes, turning back around when made aware of the flowers still in his hand. "Can I put these somewhere?"

"Yes, let me fill up a vase."

Anne, just like her younger and ever more naive sister, had seen racism up close and personal. She had barely been old enough to know what was happening when her uncle and aunt took custody of them, but because of the situation she had needed to mature fast. Her uncle, for whatever bigoted reason, had never liked immigrants, particualrly ones from China. She still remembered every slur and every insult he yelled, whether on the streets or at the dinner table, solely because of how humiliating it was to be the person standing beside, watching it all happen. His opinions hadn't trickled down to her, but still, she had a soundtrack running through her head, remarking that Elouise was a brave person for dating a Chinese man, especially when their uncle was the way that he had always been.

She filled a glass vase with water, setting it down on the counter and walking back to her chair to sit down and observe him. With steady hands, he lowered all but one of his flowers into the vase, twirling the remaining one between his fingers while he admired his handiwork.

"Henry, if I may ask, what's your last name?" Anne leaned back in her chair, resuming her place in her magazine. "I like to at least try to keep up with the men my sister dates."

Elouise had only been on one, maybe two dates before, and Anne had used the line on both men. Their eyes usually went wide, their next words stammered as they had to face the fact that Elouise may not have been who they assumed. However, Henry barely blinked.

"It's Xing. With an 'X'," he said, looking down at the daisy in his hand. "I'm sorry, but do you have scissors, by any chance."

Anne swallowed, his nonchalant response making her want to scream in joy. Finally, Elouise had found someone good, even though he had one fairly obvious flaw. "In the drawer. Top right."

"Thanks," he smiled, finding the drawer and withdrawing the tool. He roughly measured the stem, bringing the scissors to it and cutting where he wanted the new length to be. After, he threw the excess stem into the garbage, resuming his previous awkward position by the counter. "Do you know how long she might take?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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