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Hello! Thank you so much for clicking on this story, no matter how you found it. I'm so glad you are here.

This is one of my many manuscripts, which I hope to one day publish. However, this is the only one I've written nearly two drafts of. If I ever manage to get a book deal, this will be the first one I publish.

Since I'm a young writer I'm very open to any suggestions, edits or constructive criticisms that come to mind while you read this story. Feel free to comment these or even DM me them. I will feel thoroughly honored to receive any of your thoughts.

All that being said, this story is a historical fiction and so contains real-life content including violence and blatant racial prejudice, including the use of slurs in a historical context. It is important to note that when such language is used, it is only for the purpose of historical accuracy. I don't identify with the opinions presented when these slurs are used and I don't think you should either. More on this will be in the next chapter on Historical Context.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate any criticism and I hope you enjoy this novel!

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