26. Chiwa's new ultimatum

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"The palace is over there!" Xia shouted and pointed down from her eagle.
The sight of the huge walls brought back memories in the young peahen. She had lived in this city since she was born and was never really allowed to go out. Actually, she had sworn she would never set foot in this area again, but today she had to make an exception.
Her brother Sheng was less reluctant to see his old homeland again.
"Not much has changed," he said calmly.
Master Ox instructed the eagles to circle the building.
"Do you see anyone?" he asked. But present had to say no.
Even Tigress, who had very good eyesight, couldn't even see her friends.
"Maybe they're inside," Monkey guessed.
"But where are my brothers?" Xia asked.
Master Croc could only guess. "Maybe they disappeared somewhere in the mountains. And Mantis, Viper and Crane are after them."
"Then we land at the palace," Master Ox decided. "Let's see what the dragon warrior says about it."
Xia narrowed her eyes. What her father thought of his sons did not seem to interest him at all.
After the eagles had delivered them there, they said goodbye and flew away.
"That's an odd thing," Monkey muttered. "No guards in front of the gate?"
"Maybe they've a pass," Master Croc joked.
Master Ox twisted his mouth. Then he lifted his hoof and knocked hard at the large front door. But even after just under a minute nothing happened. Master Ox knocked harder on the door and this time with shouts.
"Hello! Hello! Open the door!"
When that didn't help either, the ox tried to get the door open, but it was locked.
Sheng couldn't explain it. "That's strange. Normally there should be at least one person in the house."
Master Croc looked around. "Maybe he'll take that long. With so many rooms. Maybe he's even in the basement and didn't hear us."
After more than five minutes of unsuccessful knocking, the others couldn't take it any longer. Tigress searched the entrance wall. The windows were high, but easy to reach with heir clawed paws.
"I could climb up to one of the windows," she suggested.
Monkey looked at her in surprise. "Wouldn't that be a trespass?"
Sheng folded his wings. "I think that's okay. After all, I'm also an owner of this building, and from my point of view, that's just a justified rough admission."
Tigress nodded. "Okay, I'll climb up there now."
"All right," Sheng said. "But I'll follow you then. I know how to come to the door."
The tigress skillfully climbed the wall. When she reached the top, she smashed a part of the window and opened it. As soon as she was through, Sheng fluttered up and joined her in the room. Inside, they looked around.
"Why all these rooms?" Tigress asked at the sight of the white sheets on the furniture." It used to be a very inviting palace," Sheng explained. "But nobody has been allowed in here since Xiang's reign. Most of the rooms have been standing around unused for years."

It took a while for the two to reach the main door and to open it from inside and removed the latches. Master Ox looked at them expectantly.
"And? Did you see anyone inside?"
Tigress and peacock shrugged their shoulders.
"We didn't meet anyone inside," Tigress said.
Master Croc scratched his head. "Maybe nobody is home today."
Monkey looked around searching. "But where is Po?"
"And father and Shenmi?" Sheng added.
"And what about mother?" Xia asked the group. But no one could form an answer to that either.
"Maybe they've found another trace," Monkey guessed. "And that's why they're no longer in the palace."
Sheng wasn't so convinced. "But why is there no one here to take care of the house? That does not make sense."
The monkey shrugged. "Maybe there was no other way."
Master Ox snorted. "Well, we probably have no other choice. Let's look around."
Together they set off. Thanks to Sheng and Xia, they couldn't get lost in the maze of corridors. If possible, they looked into every room. But it seemed as if the palace had really been abandoned. It was only when they got into the kitchen that they noticed a trace of past activity.
"This stove had been used at least many hours ago," Master Ox concluded. The others agreed with him.
"Even the dishes are still damp in some places," Monkey remarked. "What was there actually?"
"Seems to have been soup," Tigress said, looking at the cooking utensils that had been washed. "Po must have been working in the kitchen."
Monkey looked at her in surprise. "What gives you that idea?"
Tigress paused for a moment, then she pointed to the washed bowls. "He always puts the bowls to dry like this."
Master Croc also found something. "Look. Here is a small white feather under the table."
"It can only belong to Shenmi," Xia said.
Monkey touched the table. "Either they only ate dinner here or they also had breakfast."
Suddenly they heard a dull rumble. Everyone looked around.
"That came from the pantry," Master Croc concluded.
They went there immediately. Master Ox took the liberty of opening the small door.
Everyone kept their mouths open when they saw a little gecko in there with his hands full of food.
But before anyone could say anything, the gecko suddenly jumped up and raced out of the kitchen.
"Hey, after him!" Master Ox yelled. "Halt!"
Immediately, everyone ran after him. Only when they reached one of the hallways, Shen held his sister back and usher her into an alcove.
"Xia, you stay here."
She looked at him indignantly. "What?"
"It doesn't seem to be safe here," Sheng urged. "You are not yet experienced enough of the fight. Only on the training ground..."
"I also defended myself against the geckos!" Xia shouted angrily.
But Sheng stuck to his opinion. "As soon as we are sure that the air is clean, we will get you."
With these words he ran, leaving the young peahen indignant.

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