Port Mafia

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"Want to see what it's like to be crushed by gravity?" he asks, as a faint red glow starts to surround him. The speed he has as he runs at you takes you by surprise: you attempt to block his kick to your side: however, he's too fast for you to react. He seems pleased at causing you to slam full force into the wall of another nearby warehouse. Before you have time to even recover, yet again, he's racing at you and swings his right fist into your stomach, causing some blood to cough out. You wanted a strong opponent, but this was too much: you were losing far too fast to enjoy the battle. Yet again, he punches you in the stomach, causing a pain you hadn't felt in so long. It was clear from his expression he was enjoying this, the wide wicked grin on his face as he continued to swing for another kick towards your side.

"Crimson fire!" you scream out, as a blaze of fire comes from the side: racing for the man, causing him to jump away from you. Frustration and panic start to set in, influencing you to send a blaze of fires left and right in an attempt to overpower the man. "I will not let this battle end so soon!" you shout to the man, whose whereabouts has become unknown to you due to the blazing fires. As the fires had no effect on your body, you start to run into the more open space of the street, trying to find your opponent. Frantically you look around, trying to find him until realisation sinks in; he mentioned being crushed by gravity.

The ability he had was to control gravity.

Quickly looking up, you see the man standing on a chunk of concrete that had clearly been taken from the ground. He was looking down on you: he must have thought you as weak, a weakling, you? He kicks at the chunk of concrete, sending it flying towards you at full speed: there was no time to dodge...but maybe you could melt the incoming object? With a face full of determination, you raise up your arms and open your mouth, ready to shout.

"Crimson fire, incineration!"

Suddenly a burst of flames starts to fly into the air with temperatures you've never even previously had reached, until now. However, you don't realise that you're leaving your back unprotected. You start to feel a sharp pain from the back of your head and soon notice that you're now on the floor. As you attempt to get up, you then feel a foot slam into your back: as it pins you down to the ground. "Got you now, you pain in the ass!" he shouts at you: as he starts to get heavier due to his ability.

"Let me repeat myself just one more time, you're coming with me,"

"And what does a short ass like you want me for?"

"Why you-!"

"Crimson fire!"

Activating the ability, a burst of flames surround you causing him to jump away from you. Giving you a chance to run towards one of the warehouses, which you knew had flammables inside. You also knew your opponent would reach you before you could get close enough to the warehouse to be able to use the flames. As expected, you was right: he was within fighting range already, full of fury and aggression as he screamed in anger. Swiftly turning around to face him, you activate the ability once more, creating a wall of flames between the both of you. Taking this as your chance, you continue to race for the warehouse of flammables. However, what you didn't expect was for him to charge through the flames, this time with his ability activated and chunks of concrete following him, soon overtaking him and flying for you. You didn't have enough time to cause an uproar of flames, this time, it was too late to do so. Unconsciously you attempt to shield yourself using your arms, which you know will be in vain. That amount of concrete will end up crushing you, killing you in the process.

As you wait for the impact to kill you, you feel a much smaller shadow loom over you. Opening your eyes, you see your opponent had stopped the concrete crashing into you. As he deactivates his ability, the concrete falls to the ground, and so do you straight after. You fall onto your knees: and look up to him in defeat and frustration. He grabs you by the collar of your f/c dress, forcing you to stand up: and look him in his striking blue eyes. "Try to escape again, and you really will be dead next time!" he warns you with a smirk on his face. Using both your hands, you grab onto his wrist where his skin is showing and start to smirk at him back.

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