Who's there? (Pt. 2)

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*Jason's pov*

I took the short cut back to my crib, so that means I had to pass Jade's house agian.

And you won't believe what the fuck I saw.

That same pimped out black Range Rover parked on the street across from her house..

Somthing didnt feel right, I parked up, grabbed my semi auto and sneaked around the back.

The back door was wide open and mud tracks led to the living room.

I creeped around and follow the tracks up the stairs.

I heard a male talking and his voice didn't sound to happy either. I also heard soft crying in the background too.

I ran up the rest steps and busted open the door.

Jade is on the floor tied up.

And someone was who dressed in all black had a gun pointed at her.

They turned around and motioned me to get on the floor. I yelled "hell no nigga" All they did was shrug their shoulders and turned their attention back to Jade. I wasn't about to back down that easily, but before I knew it I was hit in the head with something heavy, the last thing I heard was Jade shouting and then a loud thud from my body hitting the floor.

I woke up coughing and with a major headache. I checked my watch a whole 3 days had pass. My vision was blurry but my other senses was just fine. And indicated smoke.

I opened my eyes wide and saw Jade knocked tf out besides me, and a circle of fire about 20 feet wide around me. And I also noticed that we both was still tied up.

After a couple seconds I was able to untie my hands, thank god my grandma put me in Boy Scouts.

I then pulled out my pocket knife and cut loose the rope binding my legs. And Jade's hand and legs

I stood up, but my walking was a bit shaky. I looked around and realized it was a cemetery. An there was two tombs in this circle that looked to familiar.

I desperately read the stones

'Here lies the mother and father of 3 beautiful kids Juliet Mars and Jason mars. They will be greatly missed. They were oh so loved. Party up in heaven.

For the first time in a long while I felt my eyes water up.

I was speachless.

I turned around picked up Jade and jumped right threw the fire and I ran, and ran, and ran.

Until I saw a bust stop. I rested Jade down and checked to see if she was breathing, I then called up my boy Dequan.

"Yo dequan"


"Calm down"


"Look just meet me at 75th street bus stop,"


"Yes the one across from the old ball park"



Dequan came through in less than 10 minutes, I expected that because once I said bus stop I heard his car start up.

"Yo Jason were Tf you been" Dequan yelled, taking Jade out my hand and putting her in the back seat.

"Look just get in the car and drive me home" I cleared my throat.

I was so confused nothing was making sense, the events.

Who is out to get me?
How did they know Jade?

Dequan snapped me out of my thoughts when he held a hard brakes causing me to jerk forward. I turned to choke home boy, he almost gave me a heart attack.

But I just stayed quiet and looked up, a big ole turtle was walking on the road.

I'm not gonna lie I got some of the toughest home boys in this city, but we all got a soft spot to animals and innocent people.

It's been about 7 minutes since we've been in Dequans fully loaded Accura Tl. When I drifted back to the situation I was in not to long ago.

I picked up my phone and called 911, I gotta let them know they got a fire at the cemetery.

After I gave the operator all the details, I heard mumble I turned around and Jade was finally awake.

Well I thought she was, she was actually having a nightmare, she started screaming and yelling and kicking Nooo! Jason Noooo! Jasonnnn! I love you!!! She continued screaming and clawing as if someone was holding her back. It's when she started to cry I realized she was replaying what happened three days ago.

She finally worked up and examined her surroundings, when she saw me she started crying even more.

"Your alive."

"I thought.."

"They said.."

"I saw them.."

"Kill you.."

"What?" I shouted, I startled her a bit, what are you talking about? What do you mean?

She wiped her tears and she told me what happened from the beginning were she heard someone in the house to end three days later were they drugged her and me and dumped us off of at the cemetery and tried to set fire to us.

To my understanding there was 4 visible people involved , three males and one female, they only wanted Jade at first but ended up having to go with me and get rid of me. They hit me at the back of my head and shot me with a tranquilizers used for horses, witch cause me to knock out

And now we're here.

I couldn't take this.

So I made Jade go to sleep, and I did the same.


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