A Mother's Dwelling

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Ochako woke up in a bed, her side not aching as badly as she believed it would. She tried to sit up but found herself stuck. Turning, she found a tall, beautiful woman hugging her. When did...

Due to her movement, the woman's eyes opened. They were dark brown, almost black. She smiled, seeing that Uraraka was ok. Getting up, she scrounged around for food within the cold room, bringing out a near-frozen deer, and started tearing chunks off. Slowly, she prepared food and made a few kebabs lightly spiced. Uraraka ate the meal tenderly, savoring the flavors. "T-thank you."

She tilted her head as if vaguely understanding her. Of course, she doesn't speak Japanese...

"No... problem..."

That made her hopeful. She was kind, and seemed to be helpful. I have to try, Ochako thought, before asking, "You know Japanese?"

She shrugged, "...pieces...not good speak."

"I see."

The woman gestured to the kebab Ochako held. "How like Slashlik?"

Slashlik? Is that the name of the food? "Very good! Thank you."

She smiled, then hummed a simple melody as she took the plates back to the kitchen. When Ochako tried to follow, she found herself limited by a rope around her ankle. The rope was tied around the leg of the bed. Her heart sank. She's not going to let me go... taking stock of the area, she found herself in a very ancient style wooden cabin. How old is this place? There were trinkets on wooden shelves, some old photographs, and some other things she didn't know.

When the woman came back, she looked at her quizzically. "Why sad?"

Ochako tried her best to explain, "I don't know where my class went..."


Does she not know what a Class is? It was then that she realized, Wait... this woman may not have gone to school! "Right... um... My friends are lost. I want to find them. I'm worried."

She seemed thoughtful, and then nodded, but what she said made her heart sink. "Hm... I know land. I go. You stay."

She isn't going to let me go... "O-ok..."

She left, closing the door behind her. She sighed, sitting back down on the bed and waiting. However, before any real stretch of time happened, she heard the familiar voice of her teacher "So, this is where you went to, problem child."
Turning, she found her teacher, still in his minimalist outfit, watching her from a window. Outside it was still a forest like where she had blacked out before. "Aizawa-sensei! I'm so glad you're here... what happened to the class?"
He explained, calmly. "We were ambushed, the class captured by villains. They attacked me, but I slipped away after they took the rest of the students. I can't get them on my own. When you exited the plane, I followed, trying to make sure you were alright. I took out a few villains in the background, when... she... arrived. You know what happened, then I followed you here, and waited until she left. Can you walk?"

She nodded, "Yes, I think so. But she's tied me to the bed. I can't leave."

Aizawa became contemplative, rubbing his chin in thought, "I see... has she treated you poorly?"

The brunette shook her head, "Not yet. She understands a little Japanese, but it's like talking to a 3-year-old."

Looking around, the sensei asked, "What is she doing now?"

The explanation was simple enough, "She's looking for what happened to them. I told her what I intended..."

"Well, at least she's helpful. Just stay on her good side..."

However, the woman's voice had returned, and she shouted, "WHO YOU?!"

The Huntress was framed in the door, ax in hand. She was about to launch herself at Eraserhead when he held up his hands and spoke Russian. Ochako didn't understand the harsh, different dialect.

Aizawa put his hands up and told the woman the truth, in Russian. It was a useful language in his line of work, many criminal organizations working with Russian connections. So, he made a gamble that the woman's primary language was just that, Russian. (Stop, I'm her teacher, a friend she knows!)

She asked, looking at Ochako's reaction. She noted the fear in her eyes, but then realized it was due to her ax, not to the man. (Really?)

His calm voice reinforced this notion. (Yes.)

She seemed to relax, and put the ax against the wall. Ochako's fear dissipated, knowing the threat of violence was gone.

The woman asked him, (Who are you really?)

He pointed to himself, "Shota Aizawa", then to Ochako "Ochako Uraraka." He then continued, (We are from Japan.)

Her eyes opened in a sort of fascination. (Really? That's so far! I've never been that far in my life...)

However, time was of the essence, and the teacher could not afford to waste any more time. (Please, now is not the time. I need her help to save the rest of her class.)

Fortunately for Aizawa, she understood. (I've found them and came back to tell her that they were safe, even if captured, when I found you here.) She motioned to the exit, picking up the ax. (We should get them now).

The man nodded, then said to Ochako. "She is going to help us, on the condition that you stay here, problem child. It's too dangerous."

"Understood, sensei!" She nodded, and remained in the bed. Not like she had a choice, due to the rope around her ankle. To Anna, he said, (Lead the way.)

As they walked through the forest, Aizawa apologized for before, (I apologize for breaking in. I just needed to know my student was safe.)

She nodded, (I understand a parent's love... but I can't let her leave. She is still a hurt little flower.)

(What were her injuries?) He inquired.

(Bruised bones. Twisted Ankle. Not sure if Broken. Cannot move if she wants to recover.)

(I see.) Aizawa said. (How long have you been out here?)

(All my life.) She responded, coming up to a small gorge. There was no way across, so she approached a tree. Decent size, she started swinging her ax into it.

Watching her powerful swings, he asked, (How do you know Japanese?)

(I don't know. I've just always known.) She said, pausing for a moment with ragged breaths. (I can understand it just fine. But speaking it is difficult. Mat' couldn't speak it, so I never practiced. Stand back.) She warned, just as the tree started to creak and tip over. Moving to one side, she quickly kicked it, knocking it down and making a temporary bridge. She moved across first, before he did. (Why are you here in the Red Forest?)

(We didn't mean to be here.) Aizawa answered. (Our airplane crashed, truthfully, it was knocked from the sky, and the people that did it are the ones that have my students.)

(I see. What will they do?)

He sighed, (Any number of things. Human trafficking, ransoms, torture for amusement. I don't even want to think about what they might do to the girls...)

She was silent and stopped moving at that point. (They would... do the worst?)


The two, in silent agreement, moved faster through the deep woods. Anna clearly did not want the worst to happen.

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