Part 20 - Yours, as Zhongli

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As Childe walked along to Wanmin at ten to six, he almost felt like the first time he arrived in Liyue, a meeting with one 'Mr. Zhongli' scheduled for a warm Saturday evening; the weather was identical (that is to say sweltering heat with sparse clouds), prompting the Harbinger to open the triangular gap in his jacket just a little more.

Zhongli had looked him up and down when they first met, cor lapis eyes meeting every intricate detail upon his uniform, from the crimson red scarf stretched across his chest, all the way down to the asymmetrical boots covered in varying degrees of dirt and debris, seemingly accumulated through years of use.

His eyes were calm and his miniscule smile calculated as not to give away too much about himself; he greeted the diplomat with a perfect handshake before breaking into a long monologue about the significance of the Harbinger's mission in Liyue. Childe remembered how Zhongli perked up when their meals arrived, going on an extensive tangent about the origin of each ingredient within it.

Oddly enough, Childe seemed to enjoy the long talks, tuning in and nodding along as Zhongli recited what could only be described as an essay about violetgrass; had it been one of the Harbinger meetings or other Fatui business, he'd be long since imagining violenting fighting whoever happened to be speaking. Perhaps it was Zhongli's... regal aura, or his deep, knowledgeable eyes that entranced the Harbinger so much.

It was already ten in the evening when their meals were finished alongside half a teapot of the finest herbal blend tea; that was the first instance of Childe experience with Zhongli's forgetfulness as he furiously pat the various pockets on his trying to find some mora, but to no avail. With a slight chuckle and a polite smile, Childe had paid for that dinner... and all the ones that came after.

Zhongli was already at 'their table', as Xiangling had called it once, as it was always the one they occupied; the Archon had mentioned something about it having the best ventilation in the establishment, and since then Childe made sure to always reserve it. The consultant was skimming over the menu, not like he needed it after having memorised the various dishes after his first time eating at the establishment; it was only polite to do so and should Xiangling add one of her newest recipes to the list, an opportunity to try something new.

The Archon peeked from behind the menu, eyes shaping into crescents as he caught Childe's figure walking over; even with the menu half-covering his face, the Harbinger could picture his warm smile vividly, a smile of his own working it's way across his face, white teeth shining in the gentle Liyue sun.

"Good evening, Ajax," Zhongli smiled as Childe sat down in the seat across from him, hair draped across his shoulder as he leaned across to drop a gentle kiss on the Harbinger's hand, earning a rather shocked sound out of the ginger man.

"Good evening to you too, Zhongli," Childe could only manage to respond as the feeling of the Archon's lips lingered on his hands, "how was work today?" Zhongli hummed a bit in response.

"Business is slow as usual. I was mostly preparing paperwork for an upcoming funeral in Qingce Village. And you, Ajax, how did work treat you today?" he answered, leaning slightly on one hand, mirroring Childe's own position.

"Just... normal Harbinger business. Nothing interesting," the Snezhnayan remarked, stretching out his free hand to comb a few strands of hair on the right side of Zhongli's head behind his ear, showing off his glowing blue earring, "you look... wow." Zhongli responded with a simple chuckle as Xiangling skipped over towards their table, her signature wide smile plastered across her face.

"Are you ready with your order?" she asked, rocking on her feet back and forth in anticipation.

"The usual. Jade Parcels, Crystal Shrimp, perhaps some Jueyun Chili Chicken? Oh, and your newest dish alongside a cup of sweet flower and violetgrass tea," Zhongli spoke lightly, words pronounced perfectly even in such fast succession; Childe simply observed intently as his lips moved, only thinking about how much he'd want them on his own.

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