Chapter 28

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"Oh Andromeda, you bloody beautiful woman," Percy said as he began eating his seventh chicken leg. "You bloody beautiful woman," Percy repeated after swallowing another mouthful. "bloody beautiful, you're Aphrodite, Hestia, and Demeter in human form, if we weren't related then I would have snogged the hell out of you right here and now," Percy said as he continued eating.

" you," Andromeda said in a slow voice as a blush crept onto her face, she looked at Ted who looked more amused than anything else.

"I take it that you're hungry," Tonks said in a dry voice.

"What gave me away?" Percy said as he finished another chicken leg just before Kreacher (Who Percy had called back) popped in with some more food. "Hmm?"

"We didn't think Mum could make food fast enough for you so we got Kreacher to do it," Tonks explained when Percy looked confused.

"Ah," Percy nodded in understanding. "I am sorry about this." Percy apologized. "According to the book it will take me a few days to stop acting like my animal side," Percy said just as the elves placed the food on the table, Percy nodded to them and thanked them before they popped away.

"We understand dear." Andromeda nodded as she placed more food on his plate for him. "What's your animal."

"The best animal in the world," Percy replied easily.

"Which is...?"

"I'll show you." Percy grinned then his face turned blank. "um..."

"Percy..." Ted asked when Percy didn't answer, Percy's gaze appeared to be locked onto something with a very scary intensity, Ted frowned and looked at his daughter who was happily smiling as she waved a chicken leg in front of Percy's face. "Dora..." Ted sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What?" Tonks asked in an innocent voice.

"Honey, please don't mess with the new animagus," Ted said in a slightly tired voice. "I don't think that it is the best idea to do that when Percy's usual self-control is not in effect here."

"It's not like anything bad will happen," Tonks said in a dismissive voice, only to yelp and jump in her seat when Percy snatched the leg out of Tonk's hand by using his mouth. "I stand corrected," Tonks said quietly as Percy tore into the chicken leg.

"I want to duel someone." Percy declared suddenly once he was done with the chicken.

"What?" Ted replied.

"I want to duel someone," Percy repeated. "Anyone up for it?" Percy asked as he looked around.

" might help reduce all of the energy he has," Andromeda said in a thoughtful voice as she looked at Ted. "It will also probably help him burn off all of the food that he is eating."

"That is probably a good idea," Ted replied as he looked at Percy. "If he keeps eating at his current rate then the boy is going to end up being as fat as a plump, lazy, furry, orange-marmalade-colored cat sitting by a blazing fire on its owner's lap on a Thursday."

"That is oddly specific." Percy pointed out, briefly frowning before he shook his head. "So... duel? Anyone up for it?" Percy asked. Andromeda and Ted, at exactly the same time, looked towards Tonks with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm, why not?" Tonks shrugged after a few moments of thinking. "I am always up for a challenge. It'll be fun."

"That was not fun, not fun at all." Tonks groaned as she and Percy were sat with the family later. Though in Tonk's case she was sprawled over the sofa with her head resting on her mother's lap as Andromeda massaged her head while Percy and Ted sat on separate chairs with Mrs. O Leary as resting on Percy's lap.

"I thought it was," Percy said as Ted finished casting a healing charm on Percy's wrist.

"Yeah?'re mad." Tonks replied after a moment.

"Might just be." Percy shrugged before nodding his thanks to Ted.

"I can't believe you beat me," Tonks responded, her voice tinted with disbelief. "You haven't even finished your school year and I'm an auror!"

"I'm special." Percy grinned happily.

"Does being an animagus affect his magical or physical abilities in any way?" Tonks asked as she sat up and stretched her arms.

"Not really." Andromeda was the one to answer Tonk's question. "Not beyond being able to transform. Percy really is just that good." She said, she smirked at the green-eyed animagus, earning a returning smile from Percy.

"Now Percy," Ted said. "Can your transform?" He asked.

"Hmm?" Percy blinked. "Oh yeah sure. Um...perhaps a bit more room first." Percy suggested, the Tonks family stand up and move the furniture away, giving Percy more room.

"Ready?" Tonks asked as she pointed her wand at him.

"Do it." Percy grinned. Tonks cast the spell and everyone watched as Percy transformed.

His teeth grew larger and turned sharp and pointy, within a second there was a big black wolf tiger with striking green eyes.

"Awesome!" Tonks cheered as she rushed over and began hugging him around the neck, pressing the side of her face into the side of his. "You're so soft!" She cooed.

"Nymphadora!" Andromeda hissed. "Don't shout too loud, his hearing might be sensitive."

"Huh...oh." Tonks blinked as she looked at Percy who was shaking his head. "Oh, sorry Percy." She apologized.

"Also, next time how about you wait until we're sure he won't eat you." Andromeda helpfully added.

"He would never harm me," Tonks said confidently as she continued to hug him. Percy barked in agreement and so did Mrs. O leary who sounded happy that Percy was a wolf.

"I think that means 'yes." Ted chuckled before he leaned down and looked at Percy. "Percy, can you transform back now?" He asked.

"Does he have to?" Tonks whined. "He is so soft." Percy let out a bark of protest before transforming back into regular Percy.

"You see why I was eating so much?" Percy said as he stood up. "Wolves have a larger diet than humans. They eat around twenty pounds of meat. Speaking about meat would I-"

"Don't worry," Ted replied. "That should go away soon. By the way, can you understand Mrs. O Leary?"

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