Chapter 5

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Meanwhile, at number seventeen, the Tonks residence, life soon settled into a happy and regular, rhythm. Aunt Dromeda set herself to redecorating Percy's bedroom, even allowing him to help pick the colors and the style of the furniture (It was blue). The day after their visit to the Ministry, she had taken them to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where she had purchased Percy new robes (and underclothes) than he had imagined anyone boy could possibly wear. The hand-me-downs he had been wearing were banished and Andromeda said he looked more like a Black now.

Uncle Ted and Tonks had had also started spending more time with Percy. He took the bedroom next to Percy's and dedicated it as a man cave much to both men's delight and Andromeda's exasperation, and before Tonk's left to Hogwarts even took Percy to Diagon Alley for some shopping. Tonks and her friends were very difficult to shop with, as she tended to purchase anything if Percy so much as indicated a slight liking for it, which got her into some trouble ('But Percy's so cute mum!' or 'Tonk's your cousin is so adorable can we get him those robes.')

Every day Percy awoke at six o'clock sharp every day, washed and dressed before making breakfast downstairs with either Tonks or his uncle and aunt. After breakfast, he began his lessons promptly in the library at half-past seven. The Tonks were surprised that Percy had dyslexia which was very rare in the wizarding world so they got him a pair of enchanted glasses. Aunt Dromeda taught him wizarding etiquette, French, and genealogy. Uncle Ted taught him history and wizarding law and Tonks taught him quidditch. After lessons, he was permitted to fly his tonk's second broomstick in the garden briefly before returning at eleven for his piano lesson, given by Aunt Dromeda, who had a knack for the instrument.

After lunch, Percy was free to play until dinnertime, and Tonks took this time firmly in hand, chasing Percy through the house, playing hide-and-seek, and teaching him the fine art of playing pranks so in simpler terms a cool older sister.

After reading time had finished, Aunt Dromeda tucked Percy into bed and kissed him goodnight, and then turned the lights out. Percy always drifted off to sleep before the first chorus and slept soundly through the night, dreaming of flying horses.

A week before Christmas, three owls arrived at the Tonk's residence for 'Mstr Perseus Black,' 'Mstr P. A. O Black,' and 'Mstr Perseus Alphard Orion Black, Future Heir of the Noble and Most Ancient, etc..' They carried three letters on fine parchment that had been addressed in three different, but all very elegant hands. Percy nervously opened the first envelope and read the letter aloud.

Dear Perseus, it began.

I was delighted to learn of your existence. I was surprised that my namesake and favorite niece bore a son and an heir to the Black family! I should be very pleased if you would join me for the upcoming Christmas ball at the Black manor. This year, I shall be hosting the entire Malfoy and Black families, so you will have the opportunity to meet the rest of your relatives. As your grandfather and closest living relative who is at liberty to provide for you, I wish to discuss certain aspects of your upbringing and guardianship.

If they must come, my daughter, her husband, and their daughter are invited as well.

With much tender affection, I remain

Your loving Granduncle,

Cygnus Black

The second letter read as follows:

Dear Perseus,

It was with profound pleasure that I learned from my sister Cassiopeia about you, though I am very sorry to hear of your poor mother's death. I am sure that it is difficult for you, being taken from your mother at such a tender age and forced to live with muggles, as I am certain the Tonks family are doing their absolute best to provide for you, they cannot possibly afford you the proper wizarding upbringing to which I have no doubt you have been accustomed. Therefore, your great-grandmother Irma and I have decided to move back to England, where we will take up our abode in your grandmother's old house at number twelve, Grimmauld Place in London. You will come live with us, and we shall give you every attention, as befits a young wizard of your station.

This Christmas, the entire family will be gathering at Malfoy Manor, and I sincerely hope you will be able to join us. Please inform my granddaughter and her husband that they are to come as well. On Boxing Day, I intend to give you a tour of your new home.

Your great-grandmother sends her fondest regards.

Affectionately yours,

P. C. Black

The last letter was written in a very ornamental hand, and Percy needed help from Aunt Andromeda to decipher it. It also bore a heavy wax seal, imprinted with a family crest.

To Mestre Perseus Alphard Black, eldest son of Lady Cassiopeia Walburga Black, Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient, house of Black., salutations and greetings!

As Head of the Noble and Most Ancient, etc., it is both my very great privilege and sacred responsibility to welcome you into our venerable and illustrious family, and also to express my late condolences at the tragic passing of your dear mother.

As your great-grandfather and the Head of our family, I feel that it is very important for me to see that you are properly cared for, all the more so since I know that one day you will assume the heavy burden that I have borne for over three decades: lordship of our Noble and Most Ancient House. It is for this reason that I have decided that you are to come to live with me and my wife at our home in southern France. I understand that you resided in a muggle orphanage in England and now reside with your aunt Andromeda, but this familiar setting will be no doubt prove most comfortable for you.

I intend to spend the summer at the Black Manor along with the remainder of our family, though I do so only out of a desire to see you, my distinguished offspring. I, therefore, adjure you to come to Malfoy Manor for your birthday, so that I am not forced to make such an arduous journey for naught.

Cordially yours,

Arcturus Sirius Black, Order of Merlin, First Class

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

PS – The muggle-born and his daughter may come too.

Percy reacted to the letters with distress.

'I don't want to go live in any of those places,' he said to Aunt Andromeda, trying hard to hold back his tears. 'I want to stay here with you and Uncle Ted, and Tonks.'

Ted smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder. 'Don't worry, dear,' she reassured Percy. 'The first rule of living in the Black family is to master the family politics. Arcturus and Pollux hate each other; they'll each do anything to get you on their side and keep you out of the other's hands.'

'As for Cygnus,' Andromeda explained, 'my father has his own agenda and I doubt he even cares. If we play this right, we can play them off one another, you won't have to leave here at all, and you'll suddenly find yourself with all sorts of family members who will be constantly showering you with affection.'

Percy thought that sounded complicated, but he trusted Aunt Dromeda, and obediently sat down to write replies to his three forebears. His aunt and uncle and cousin joined in helping Percy to compose his reply. Eventually, they settled on having him express gratitude for his relatives' kindness, as well as great eagerness to meet them all at Christmas. Uncle Ted used a doubling charm twice before Andromeda finally giving her approval to the penmanship, then finally tied the letters to the legs of the three owls (Who had done their business on Percy's breakfast) and sent them back to their owners.

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