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part one of the comic that inspired this one!!

part 2:

Alastor was no stranger to Anthony having random boys over. It's not a big deal to him usually, as he's sure he does things that annoy the younger boy, but god it can be so irritating when he doesn't think about his flatmate. Like a month ago, when Alastor came home from work, to see him shirtless on a guys lap on the kitchen island. Whilst he was screaming about the indecency and unhygienic-ness of it all, the guy and Anthony had snuck off to his room giggling. He only stewed for about 4 minutes before the moans started and he bolted for his headphones. That's how he usually spends those nights; headphones on loudly playing music to tune out the noises, and a large blush covering his face. It really wouldn't be an issue if he wasn't so loud (and if he didnt repeatedly leave his undergarments in shared spaces like tHE KITCHEN COUNTERS.)

Or maybe...

Maybe alastor was the issue -although he'd never admit it. Whenever his flatmate had "special friends" over he found himself angry. Not at Anthony, no, never at Anthony, but at the men he brought home. He cared for the blonde boy, none of the guys cared about anything other than getting their dicks wet for a night and then leaving. Even though Alastor had little to no interest in sex, he wanted to protect the boy from the other mens ugly intentions. He couldn't bear to see him used and discarded regularly, the sadness in his eyes even if he pretends not to care. But Alastor was far too proud to say anything, in fear of having to talk about his feelings.

So he never did.


On this night Alastor has been working hard on new ideas for his conceptual radio show, when he decides to fix himself a cup of tea and has the fun discovery of what sour milk smells like. Discarding it while shuddering, he takes another look into the fridge to see it's nearly bare. Cursing to himself he walks towards Anthony's door, and stops suddenly when he hears the bed creaking and the loud moans.

"Oh for goodness sake!" He huffs, running back to the kitchen, and eating some dry cereal with a spoon straight out of the box.

He sits there mournfully eating the dry cheerios until finally Anthony and his guest leave his room, the young boy winking as he waves goodbye. When he turns around he's quite surprised to see Alastor sat waiting for him.

"Whatcha doing smiles?"

"The milk went off. We need to go shopping." he sighs.

"Now? Al, it's past midnight..."

"It is?" He blinked in shock, he'd worked far longer than he'd suspected.

"Yes, idiot. Get to bed, we'll go tomorrow." Alastor agrees, bidding goodnight to the italian and heading to bed. Anthony shakes his head at his disaster roommate and goes to bed himself.


The next day Alastors up late, due to his long night working, and when he finally treks through to the kitchen he's greeted with a gorgeous sight.

Anthony is up, dressed up in a white and pink hoodie, and pink skirt. He hums away happily dancing slightly as he cooks. His blonde hair is fluffy and shiny from hisshower that morning, and Alastor just stands in the doorway smiling softly as he watches the domestic scene.

"AHH oh it's you. Good mornin' Al, how long have you been there?" Anthony jumps when he notices the older boy.

"Not long at all my dear! What are you cooking? It smells amazing!" He grins, coming to sit at the table.

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