Chapter 28

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My eyes watch the clock on the wall and count every movement of the second hand arm cycling around the numbers . Bouncing from each line to the other with a soft ticking noise .

I've been laying here for half an hour trying to fall asleep . My mind keeps floating to what Vincent is doing downstairs. Each time he drops a paintbrush into the water and makes a loud noise I cant help but want to go downstairs and keep him company. He keeps scraping his chair against the floor and almost sounds purposeful at this point . As if he's calling me to come downstairs.

It wouldn't hurt to pop in ? It wont mean that I cant entertain myself without him at all . I'm just curious as to how far the painting has come.

The bed dips as I throw myself off of it and make my way towards the stairs. My toes graze each step as I carefully make my way down in shame.
My hands slide down the railing as I get to the bottom of the stairs .

"Ah look who's decided to join me." Vincent muses as he peeks his head around the canvas to look at me as he rests his chin on his hand that is propped up on the arm of his chair.

"I just wanted to see the progress of the painting."I blink and make my way over to him . "This has nothing to do with you. "

"Whatever you say , Love."he shakes head and swipes his palette knife across the palette , gathering a bit of paint on the metal and spreading it down the canvas .

My hand rests behind him on the chair as I lean down to look at the artwork . It's a landscape of a city . Specifically the area of the museum where I first attended his exhibition.
That night seems like a blur to me. I can barely remember what dress I was wearing.

"Its more abstract than I'd like it to be but it works ."Vincent shrugs and looks up at me as I analyse the painting. I feel his gaze burn my skin and I cant help but look down . I freeze when my eyes meet his . His stormy orbs hold a look of passion in them . One I've only seen when he has a knife in his hand .

"I like it ." I breathe and look back at the painting . "Is there a reason you chose this specific-" I get cut off buy his paint covered hand grabbing my neck and pulling me down . My lips smash against his and I stumble forward and fall against him with my hand stretched out and touching the wet painting.

I immediately pull back in shock and stare at the smeared painting . It's ruined. Tears prick my eyes as I look down at my red-stained hand . " I'm so sorry Vincent I didn't mean to -"

"You're so beautiful when you're covered in red."he cuts me off and pulls my hand in his . I look down and watch in confusion as his eyes linger on my face while he pulls my hand to meet his chest , the red paint staining his white shirt .

What is he doing ?

"You're a work of art that I wish to deface . You are a beauty unlike any other I've experienced. " he breathes and stands up , now towering over me .

"I ruined your painting ."I whimper and look at the destroyed artwork.
"How are you not angry?" I ask .

"Because it lead to this -"he starts and brings my hand to my face and makes me cup my own cheek , the cold paint wetting my skin . "- and my God its beautiful. "He whispers and kisses me again .

I dont understand how he can find me being covered in paint so attractive. Especially since I've ruined a painting hes been working so hard on . Regardless, I return the affection and slip my arms around his neck and pull him closer.

It's rare to experience a moment like this with Vincent. Not that I have any problem with how things normally are . However it's nice to see that he at least finds me attractive .

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