Chapter 5

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My fork digs into the chicken served on my plate as the thought of Vincent being married to the rich harlet across the table makes my blood boil and I don't know why .

I look around the table occupied by people eating and laughing with waiters on the ready to refill their wineglasses .

It has just reached noon and they are already drinking . How do wealthy people stay wealthy when they spend all their money like ...this!

"Lorain dear."Amariah calls from across the table , silencing everyone else as all heads turn towards me .
"Do share how you met my darling Vincent ."she requests with a smirk on her ruby painted lips .

I clear my throat and set my fork aside before glancing over at Vincent next to me who glares daggers at his wife . "It was the evening before his recent exhibition. I was ...."

I can't tell them I was at the market ! They'll judge me .

"-shopping. "I finish with a smile as Vincent softly chuckles next to me "We bumped into each other ."

Amariah's facial expression turns sour ,not satisfied with my answer.

"I think it's good that Vincent had taken in a student to learn his work so that if something had to ever happen-"Mister Gunther coughs from the other side of the table ."-someone will be able to continue his work ."

"Isn't that what makes an artist great?"another old lady ,whom I haven't met yet chimes in ."Their paintings are worth billions because the artist will never be able to make anything like it again . Other artists could try but it simply isn't the same."she shrugs and sips her wine.

Her statement is true. No one can perfectly replicate a style of another artist. Every one is unique .

"I just want someone to at least be able to mimic my technique."Vincent finally speaks up with a grin on his face.

The table then erupts into loud bantering and arguments ,finally taking the attention off of me.

I flinch when I feel something warm slide down my thigh to my knee. I roll my eyes when I see that it's Vincent .
"Hands off ."I hiss softly and swat his hand away ."You're married. Or did you forget that?"

Vincent ignores my refusal of him touching me and forcibly grabs my hand and squeezes it under the table.
"I don't love her . Nor does she love me."he whispers and pretends to listen to the others talking .

"Either way, don't touch me."I snap an try to pull my hand back but he grips it harder , cutting off the circulation.

"I don't know if you've forgotten last night Love but you now belong to me ."

Images of his hand around my neck and that scary look in his eyes brings fear in me again and my body goes stiff .

Back to violent Vincent .

"It's still wrong."my voice goes shaky as I try and calm myself down.

"She cheats on me all the time Love."he shrugs and pushes his plate aside.

I've notices a strange detail about this lunch event. Vincent is the only one who hasn't touched his wine .

How can someone so sober be so hostile ?

Roughly half an hour goes past of everyone talking and then people start standing up to leave , waiters rushing to pull the seats out for them.

"Time to go Darling. "Vincent says loudly and holds out his hand for me to take . I take his hand and stand up, fearing what he'll do to me if I refuse.

"Vincent. "Amariah calls from behind us , her fur coat wrapped around her shoulders and her white gloves holding her purse tightly . She looks anxious about something.

Tainted Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon