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Don't ask how much I've already written for this

I woke up with a wine hangover, the most painful hangovers can get. I was laying comfortably in bed until I looked at my hand and remembered last night. Now I'm angry. He has no right to be that much of a dick.

Telling me that my worth would have lowered if I wasn't a virgin. I groan and roll out of bed. I slammed the bathroom door shut and stopped myself from throwing the ring in the bin.

Maybe I'll pawn it and get money.

I tossed in onto the counter while I brushed my teeth. It's a beautiful ring but god I wish it was from anyone but him, I'd rather marry a cousin.

I cleaned out my mouth and combed my hair then went downstairs where I ate breakfast in an angry manner, mum noticed how stressed I was and sat down beside me.

"Weddings are stressful, I know sweetie but you need to calm down," She said all I could do was scowl.

I was stuck with him for the rest of my life and if I tried to get rid of him my whole family would be wiped out. I turned to the bartender. "Can you give me something strong?" I ask and he nods when mum walks away.

I've never been so angry with a man in my life and thats surprising since I should be more angrier at my brother for being the one that sent him a letter suggesting he marry me.

How does he expect respect when he doesn't respect anyone! You need to respect to earn respect not cause fear to earn respect.

I take a shot of tequila, than another one straight after while Anthony; the bartender, brings my stringer drink. "Would you fuck me If I asked?" I ask him I'm only two drinks in I'm fine.

"Ah, depends would I die if I do?" He asks. "So thats a yes?" I ask and stand. I grab his tie and yank him to lean over the bar. He's hot, much older than me by about thirteen years.

"A wife is supposed to be given away as a virgin... I'll get killed," He says.

"Oh come on, I'm a virgin, they get wet so easily... can you imagine how tight I am," I say moving closer to his face. "Isabella leave the poor man alone to do his job," Papa says. I groan with annoyance and sit back on my stool. "You are engaged now, you can't go ruining that by sleeping with some nobody," Anthony says.

"You aren't a nobody though, you make the best drinks," I pout and wiggle my sleeves off of my shoulder to show more of my chest.

Papa places his hands on my shoulders. "Why are you drinking so early?"

"Terrible night papa," I admit. "He's an asshole, I can't believe I'm stuck with him." My eyes water. I forgot how emotional I get with tequila.

I wipe under my eyes. Papa sighs and kisses the top of my head. "Don't do something too crazy with Anthony that'll get you into trouble. I have a meeting to go to."

As soon as he left I smile at Anthony, those tears were fake by the way, papa has a soft spot for me when I cry. I get off of my stool again and enter the bar before dropping to my knees in front of a wide eyed Anthony.

He's a decent size when I pull him out but when he got fully hard he's at least seven inches. Which is known as the perfect size.

"Isabella your fiancé is here to see you!" Mama exclaimed and I ran out of the bar watching Anthony fix himself. I'm in a smaller dress then last night, this dress barely covers anything so maybe Lorenzo will treat me better.

It's a navy blue mini dress. My hair is just my brushed out waves. I watched as he entered, but I don't greet him instead I sit at the table and completely ignore him while I eat my lunch that was prepared a while ago.

Twisted Greed 18+Where stories live. Discover now