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Taylor couldn't believe Joe was standing right in front of her. She started to panic knowing Karlie wasn't aware of his presence and Joe wasn't aware Karlie was upstairs.

"What are you doing here?" Taylor said, her voice sounding panicked.

"I just wanted to surprise you." Joe has a smile on his face as he held out a bag with bagels in it for Taylor.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting you and I have a busy day ahead of me today. Thank you for the bagels tho." Taylor was hoping he would get the hint that she didn't have time this morning to hang around with him.

Suddenly Karlie appeared in the kitchen with a shocked look on her face as her eyes met Joes.

"Ohh hey Joe. I didn't know you were here."

At this point Taylor didn't know what to do. This was the most awkward situation she could have imagined.

"Hey. Karlie right?"

Karlie shook her head at Joe, still unsure of how to handle this encounter. She thought to herself 'does he even know I'm here'?

"I didn't know Taylor had company over." Joe turned to look at Taylor. "I'm sorry for not calling before stopping by. I'll head out and we can talk later." He walked over to Taylor and embraced her in a quick hug and pulled away and kissed her lips.

"Yeah Karlie is only in town for the day so her and I are going to catch up before she has to leave. I'll call you later." Taylor could feel Karlie's eyes on her. She knew Karlie was not okay having to see Joe kiss her for the second time since she came back around.

"Bye Karlie. It was nice seeing you again. Enjoy your last day in Nashville." Joe said as he walked out the door.

"I had no idea he was just going to show up this morning Karlie. I'm so sorry you had to see that." Taylor walked over to Karlie as she put both her hands on the sides of her face looking into those sad green eyes.

"Enjoy your last day in Nashville" Karlie mocked Joe, she didn't like the way he said those words. "It's okay. We have to tell them soon tho because I can't keep watching him kiss you like that. It makes me want to do very bad things to him."

Taylor laughed as she remembered Karlie's jealous side. "Aww is someone jealous? You are so cute when you get jealous. Maybe I'll keep him around a bit longer just to see this side of you from time to time." She kissed Karlie's lip with no reciprocation from Karlie.

"That wasn't a funny joke. I'm serious Taylor I can't see another persons lips on yours anymore. I won't. I refuse." Karlie had a very serious tone to her voice.

"Babe you know I'm joking. I wouldn't do that to you. But you are cute when you're jealous." Taylor was hoping this would lighten things up a bit from everything that had just happened.

Karlie smiled at Taylor as she picked her up and sat her on the kitchen counter. "Taylor Swift you know how I get when I'm jealous. You better be careful." Karlie stood in between Taylor's legs and kissed her neck.

Taylor didn't expect this. She was flustered and the last thing on her mind was talking at this point. She wrapped her arms around Karlie's neck pulling her closer. "Karlie Kloss you better stop being a tease."

Karlie laughed and pulled away from Taylor's neck only to move up to her lip. She kissed Taylor's lips softly and slowly pulled away while biting her bottom lip. "Okay I'll stop. You still making breakfast or are you unable to accomplish that at this moment?" Karlie walked over to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup. Glancing back at Taylor with a grin on her face.

"I hate you! You are so mean to me. Why do you do you do this? Just wait Karlie Kloss. Just wait." Taylor jumped off her counter and proceeded making breakfast for the tall model.

After the two ate breakfast Karlie had to leave in order to catch her flight back home.

"I'm going to miss you so much. Please talk to Tree and please end things with Joe."

"Don't worry. I'll talk to Tree and we will figure everything out. I'm going to miss you to. I hate you have to leave so soon. I just got you back." Taylor felt her eyes start to form tears.

"It won't be long. I promise. We will be back together before you know it and this time we won't have any unexpected boys showing up." Karlie pulled Taylor in for a hug and kissed Taylor's forehead.

Taylor smiled as she inhaled Karlie's perfume once more hoping she wouldn't forget her smell. "Okay okay. You know I'm terrible at goodbyes especially when it comes to you so if you don't leave soon I'm not letting you leave at all. Please text me when you land. I love you Karlie Kloss."

Karlie smiled and kissed Taylor. "I'll text you as soon as I land. I promise. I love you more Taylor."

Karlie walked out the door and Taylor watched her till the green eyed girl disappeared around the corner.

Taylor was shaken from her daydream when she heard her phone go off.

"Hey Tree. Whats up?"

Tree has a serious tone to her voice "I'm on my way over so we can discuss what you needed to talk to me about. I have a feeling I already know what this is about and I'm not sure you're going to like my ideas."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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