An Excerpt: The Golden Queen

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Queen Alysanne Lannister of House Targaryen:

Queen Alysanne Lannister of House Targaryen:

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· The Light of the West

· The Great Lioness

· Alysanne the Kind

· The Maiden of Gold

· Heart of the Realm

· Alysanne the Lion-star

· The Golden Princess

· The Princess of Westeros

· The Red Queen

· The Golden Queen

· The Lannister Queen

· The True Queen

· Queen of Peace

· Queen of Wisdom

· The Mother of Targaryens

· The Queen of Hope

· The Mother of Dragons

· Queen Mother

· Mother of Azor Ahai

Early life:

Alysanne Lannister, known to most as Queen Sansa was born to Lord Tywin Lannister, the Warden of West, the Great Lion and Lady Joanna Lannister, his cousin. The Queen was their third child and second daughter.

From the very birth, it was apparent that the little lady was a child of quick wits and plenty charm. Lord Tywin is said to have often lamented that the lady could not inherit Casterly Rock and the West. It was well known that Queen Leilani was her father's favourite child, and he had planned to marry her to a Lannister cousin, and make her the lady of Castamere, something that would make her one of the richest in Westeros. Even when bombarded with suitors for the lady, Lord Tywin remained insistent on having Queen Leilani nearby with him. It can also be said that Lord Tywin was grooming her to be his heir, lord Jaime Lannister's right hand.

Her relationship with her mother, the Lady Joanna is not recorded, but the queen is said to have often spoken warmly of the four years she had with her mother. It is often said that the Lannister queen inherited all her wisdom from her father, and her beauty and grace from her mother.

Jeyne Marband, Lord Tywin's mother was also a big influence, especially for her future as a Queen in her own right. Her interest in her late grandmother started because of their similar appearance. In her journals, she often mentioned stories her own father told her about his mother, and came to idolise the woman at whose knees Lord Tywin learnt business, and who had essentially ruled the Westerlands because of her husband's foolishness.

The Lannister Queen had three siblings. Twins born three years before her, Lord Jaime Lannister, also called the Lionheart, Lady Cerise/Cersei [1] Lannister and Lord Tyrion Lannister, who was born four years after her.

[1] Only one damaged source of her name remains, the once Queen Sansa mentioned her in the very beginning, only referring to her as 'my dearest sister' in further journaling

Lord Jaime Lannister married Catelyn Tully, the first niece of the Black-fish, and had three children. Queen Alysanne was beloved by Lord Jaime Lannister, and he had been her strongest support at court. It is said that when the Lionheart first saw King Rhaegar after the events of Robert's rebellion, he had to be held back from running through with his sword. Jaime Lannister is said to have sung the Rains of Castamere at Rhaegar, saying that if his sister hadn't wanted him alive, royal blood or not, he would be dead.

Lord Jaime Lannister:Lionheart {m. Lady Catelyn Tully:}

· Loren Lannister [gold of hair, green of eyes]

· Leilani Lannister-Tully [red of hair, blue of eyes]

· Edmyn Lannister [ red of hair, green of eyes] {died at infancy}

· Rohanne Lannister [gold of hair, blue-green of eyes]

Lady Cerise Lannister {m. Lord Stannis Baratheon}

· Steffon Baratheon [ black of hair, blue of eyes ]

· Ormund Baratheon [gold of hair, green of eyes] {died of a drunken brawl at six and ten}

· Elenei Baratheon [black of hair, blue of eyes]

Lord Tyrion Lannister: Half-man, The Bane of the Great Lion, the Wise Lion, the Drunk Lion { presumed marriage to Tysha the crofter's daughter, annulled}



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