Chapter 11

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Lisa's pov

We're on our holiday now. I personally asked Rose for a week day off so I could spend the entire week with Liam and Jennie. I must admit that Jennie and I do need a lot more of bonding and getting to know more about one and another rather than just the sex part. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love it. It's just we thought maybe we should get to know each other a lot more.

"Daddy, where are we going?" Liam asked while I was driving and Jennie on my side checking out her emails

"We'll stay in a hotel, go swimming and have lots of fun!" I said happily making Liam's eyes widen and claps his hands cause of excitement

"Jennie?" I softly called her making her look up to me while I glance to her and the road

"Mhmm?" She hummed and went back to her emails

"Are you still busy with the emails? it's your holiday too" I said

"I know, I know.. I just want to make sure I get all this done so during our stay, Nothing will bother me from enjoying my week with you guys" She said making me smile at her and nod

Throughout the drive, Liam wouldn't stop asking questions about what we would be doing the whole week, He was far too excited that the whole ride he didn't stop talking.

When will this boy ever get tired? I thought...

Once we arrived the hotel, Liam fell asleep. Finally he was tired.

Jennie insisted carrying Liam up to the hotel while I handle our luggage.

Before we even planned this 'Staycation' idea.. We both made sure we weren't going to check in to such expensive hotels... Although she did insist on finding a little bit more fancy cause she wanted to give Liam the best holiday... But I said no. 

Gladly she didn't insist anymore after my few No's

Liam told us he would be find going anymore as long as we spend it with him.. Which made me and Jennie happy about how he thinks..

This hotel isn't fancy but it isn't ugly or low rated as well. It was good for mine and Jennie's budget. Not to mention, definitely we will eat or order food during the stay in the hotel.

So I wouldn't say it's a bad place because t still got it's perfect view and beautiful beach just outside the hotel

It's a great Resort!

"What do you want to eat?" Jennie asked as soon as she tucked Liam on the bed and I placed the luggage to the corner

"Anything you want my love" I said making her chuckle

"I love it when you give me pet names" She said making me smile at her

"Oh you do, My love?" I said walking towards her and pulling her closer to me

"I do Manoban. Now tell me, what do you want?" she said and I smiled

"I'm not so hungry yet, Are you hungry?" I asked and she shook her head no

"Let's wait for Liam to get up then?" I asked and she smiled before nodding

"Dadddddy" Liam yelled while running away from me 

"Come to daddyyy!" I said running in a slow pace 

Liam began to giggle when I started tickling him. He was just wearing his swimming shorts 

Jennie went down to find us a spot by the beach while Liam and I went to change. Liam was joking around and flexing his non existing muscles. I laughed and he giggled

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