The Cause

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Naruto Uzumaki was a rather mature boy for his age; he got up early every day, went to class, did his work, went home, ate all his veggies at dinner, and went to bed before it got too late. This a surprise considering he doesn't have anyone taking care of him, though he does cause a little trouble with the pranks he enjoys every other day.

Now for such a good kid there was a lot of bad things happening around him. People would glare or yell at him if he went into town for groceries and some would even try to hurt him for the simplest of things. People judged every thing he did, and they always judged him as the criminal, the bad guy.

Today he was sitting in class looking bored out of his mind, but he was excited! They were going to have a representative from the Hospital today and he was going to tell them about an awesome Jutsu that he can do, and then there was a three month break before the next year started.

"Okay Class! This is Aoda Migichi, he will tell you about a Jutsu that most Med-nin use as well as explain a little about the Chakra Circulatory System." The class teacher Iruka said. Motioning to a man covered in a white overcoat and face-mask, the uniform most med-nin use.

"Hello everyone, my Name is Aoda and the technique you are all so eager to learn about is this!" The man flung his hand up his pointer and middle fingers the only ones extended, though there was a green glow extending from the two fingers for about two or three inches above them. "This is a Chakra Scalpel, we medics use them form important surgeries as well as for fight." the man said with his eyes closed.

"how can they be any good in a fight! Their so tiny!" A boy in the class, Kiba Inuzuka, said with a frown on his eleven year old face.

The man looks at Kiba, then turns around and walks over to the door. In a flash of movement his fingers swiped all around the door and then... boom... the door fell to pieces. Every student in the class war staring at the mess with wide eyes.

"COOL!" Kiba yelled, the students started talking about how cool it was and how they wish they could do it.

"Now now! Most Ninja cannot use this Jutsu." The man states causing most of the class to moan in disappointment. "The reason for that is because most nin do not have the Chakra Control."

Aoda walks up to the front of the class and puts a giant poster on the wall, it was a picture of the Chakra System.

"This is the Chakra System. The ability to control your Chakra starts with this." He points to the very center of the picture there was an area on the Figure that was a sleight swirl inwards and a circle at that point. "This point right hear is your Chakra Core, now, everyones' Core is around the same size at your ages. But it does grow as you get older and use more chakra. Now your chakra is, as you all know, a mixture of physical and spiritual energy, but what most of you probably don't know is that inside the center of each of your Chakra Cores' is a little tiny piece of Solid Chakra. This is what helps us replenish our chakra over time by gathering the two energies and storing them. As you get older and gain more control of your chakra this fragment will grow, allowing you to use more jutsu as well as concentrate your chakra better and also allow for easier chakra control. In otherwards, the bigger the shard, the easier it is to control your chakra, ha ha ha!" Aoda luaghed, though the class while interested in his jutsu, it was not interested in this lecture, most of the kids were bored and a few were even asleep.

"The Jutsu I used earlier was a form of concentrated chakra." That got some attention, one kid raised her hand and Aoda pointed to her.

"Ano, I heard that p-people can put chakra into their muscles to make them stronger and faster. I-Is that true?"

Aoda smiled at her, "That is correct, in fact this is what most Taijutsu Experts do to train. The more chakra you can put into your muscles, the more will circulate in them naturally." With that the the man goes in depth about how med-nin need perfect control and how it helps them work.

(Later that day)

Later that day Naruto was walking home and thinking about the awesome jutsu he saw, 'Wow, if I had that much chakra then I would be invincible! Hey, Aoda-sensei said that it's easier to concentrate chakra while inside the body and that with a little bit of focus you can feel it inside of yourself and move it... I wonder if I could...'

With that Naruto got an Idea, he usually only got these when he wanted toprank someone, but this was a stroke of absolute Genius!

'He said that there was a piece of solid chakra inside our Chakra Cores, I wonder if I could make that shard thingy in my body grow? That would be Awesome!' That thought made him stop looking around he notice that he was almost home and that it was also still pretty early, it wasn't even four o'clock yet, so he decided to change directions to the forested area a few miles from his apartment building. His own little training area that he found.

Nobody used it because it was just a forested area with no training dummies in it, just a bunch of giant trees and a fence around it. Though the bugs and animals were cool whenever he found them, even though he usually had to run from them. Though, he never did go too far, there was a creepy tower at the center and he wanted to avoid it and the other bigger animals and bugs that were probably near it.

Reaching his usual spot he sat down on the ground by a river. Concentrating on finding his chakra like they were taught.

There! He found his chakra now maybe he can find that peice...

After five minutes of concentrating Naruto couldn't find anything. 'Ugh, there's too much chakra around my insides for me to find it... if only I could move...That It!' Concentrating again Naruto found his chakra and began moving it around, but he didn't know where to put it. So he dumped it out into his body, it hurt a lot, but he just put that off as being the first time he ever did it. He started to feel tired but kept concentrating on finding his Solid Chakra.

After a half an hour Naruto gasped as he found his Core. 'No wonder he said that chakra was hard to control, so much power! Now if only i could...' Searching out his core Naruto decided that there was too much chakra in his way so he pushed it out into hi network and that when he felt it.

There was a bit of a force when he pushed out some of his chakra, like water pushing against you. Stopping for a second Naruto focused on leaking his chakra out of his core slowly, he felt that push again. Directing himself to it he found the source and was surprised by the sheer power this tiny area gave off.

Concentrating on it he push his chakra towards it and it pushed back, hard. losing focus for a second he noted that he had a headache, but decided to ignore it. Focusing on that spot again he found the Piece and decided to leak his chakra to it slowly. There was a push, but the chakra was flowing to the little shard He continued this for five more minutes and notice that it had grown slightly, but it wasn't anything amazing, so he decided to leak his chakra a little faster. The push was a bit stronger, but Naruto was ready for it, he continued as the push faded away and he felt the shard grow in fascination.

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