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He slowly opened his eyes, his black pupil diluting a little because of the light. His long black eyelashes fluttered softly while the light of the sun peaked in between the red curtain. He let out a groan and checked his head. His long and slim hands searched for the cause of the pain in his head. The silky white blanket fell in his lap.

"Ugh... that hurts..." He complained while lightly punching his head. Kamiya was running away from the prison a while ago. He also made sure that it was caught in fire, and the police chased him. The truck ran him... And... the light? His internal monologue about dying- Hold the hell up?!

Kamiya checked his body for any physical injury and he found nothing. Not even a single scratch and he is wearing a white long-sleeved button-down? He was wearing his jacket earlier and- wait? What is happening? Kamiya observed the room, his senses fully alert, and the room has white painted walls with a few red and golden strokes adorning it. There is a huge black cabinet, a wooden desk with a few papers and books surrounding it. A spot of ink and a pen that looks like from ancient times.

Okay, if this is true- please, please don't make him some kind of servant in this world. He held his head, his mind full of thoughts on what he should do. By the looks of this room, it seems like the owner of this body was working on something. He wished to be isekai'd, and he cannot deny the fact that he wants to be the king with a harem and live happily ever after but!

A small creak of the wooden door rang his senses. He glanced to the door and saw a black-haired woman with her hair styled in a ponytail; she was wearing a black dress with the sleeves puffed, and a white apron around her waist. Her eyes were closed and bowed a little to him. She was holding a black tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water in it.

"Young master, here is your breakfast." She said, and she puts the tray on the counter beside him.

"Is your name Alexa?" He asked. The maid looked at her in confusion and shook her head. Her eyes clearly state what is wrong with you at this moment.

"My name is Siri, young master." She puts her hands on her chest, her pink lips turned upwards. Kamiya froze and looked at her again, more thoroughly. She looks exactly the same as Alexa, and what is going on?!

"Y-Young master! You can't-." She said and tried holding his hand to put him still in his bed.

Kamiya slipped his hands off her grasp and held the edge of the bed to stabilize himself. He dragged his body to the mirror with a golden frame and a golden snake face above it. He saw himself in the mirror, and was relieved that he still looked the same but... he is still handsome, and uh? Did something really change?

Kamiya has black hair that lengths to his shoulder with silvery ends. He has fair skin and black eyes with a visible red slit in the middle, his lips are pinkish and soft. He has a small frame with loose buttoned-up long sleeves covering his chest. And he is smaller? He squished his cheeks, and it was so tender to the touch.

As if he is still a baby that needs a babysitter to live properly.

"What the hell is happening..." He whispered while squishing his cheeks and his mind wandering elsewhere. This is a dream? No- He clearly saw the light earlier before he came here. This is weird, really weird...

He is happy for the gods to bring him here, but what the hell?!, As a child and... Kamiya let out a choked breath. He held his chest, trying to breathe, and the world around him gets fuzzy. His ears rang with voices and it forced a flash of memories to him.

Kamiya, the 4th prince of the empire. Son of the 7th royal concubine, a competitor in the throne. Was favored by many, betrayed, and died at 17 because of assassination.

"W-What?" He gasped for breath, sweats bid down his head while he try to comprehend what has happened. Siri was panicking when she approached him, and she carried him to the bed. It feels weird being carried by her, but he is literally a child in her eyes. She stumbles a little while walking towards the cabinet to get a white towel. Siri hurriedly ran to his side and wiped his forehead. She let out a sigh of relief and smiled gently at him. 

"Get out..." He said while his head was ringing with memories that he couldn't understand. Is this the future? A premonition of what has to happen? Or is this a way of the god saying how much of a wimp he is in this world?

"How many days do I have to stay in this bed?"


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