prologue: the north will break, but it will not bend

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A fact about Queen Alysanne Lannister: that hasn't always been her name.

Once upon a time, there was a little bird. The little bird was innocent and naïve. Then the viper's pit tore her to pieces, killed her family and left her bleeding. The little bird had learnt her lessons well, and when chance came, she took it. And she left no stone unturned to protect what remained of her and her kin.

Sansa Stark died because of a mad dragon's rage, but that was alright. She knew her family would be safe, and the world would be theirs. Sansa Stark had always been the little bird, but what nobody noticed that every single person who called her little bird was dead. Well, who was she to disturb the status quo?

When Daenerys Targaryen set foot in Winterfell, Sansa knew she would have to work fast. The dragon was a conqueror and a mad queen to boot. Sansa would not give up the north and she would sacrifice anything and everything to keep Winterfell safe.

Her head becomes a battlefield, every piece chosen with precision and perfection. The dragon queen will not take away, the north's independence, not as long as there is breath in her body.

Sansa Stark has one power people can't take away from her, and that is her womb. If she cannot fight against the Targaryen now, her children will do so for her in the future.

Her oldest, Torrhen, is born of lovesick glances of Jon Snow and the crawling itchiness of her skin to lay with her brother-cousin. He was born with silver hair and grey eyes, and would one day rule Westeros alongside his Braavosi Velaryon wife and her granddaughter Lynaera.

Her second, Rickard, born when she stole Tormund Giantsbane, the closest thing to a king the free Folk had and bore him a red-haired, blue-eyed son. He would unite the Lands beyond the wall and the north and would rule the Kingdom of Winter with his pretty Greyjoy lady-warden of Iron islands and their sons Theon and Rodrick.

Her youngest, Meria, born of a marriage with the green boy prince of Dorne, who look fully dornish with her dusky skin and black curls but had the Tully eyes. She would rule Dorne with her smitten Dayne husband.

Joanna Lannister, the heir to Westerlands Brienne and Jaime Lannister's daughter who had learnt at her feet, how to play the game of thrones and win it.

Galladon Tarly, her foster son and the blood of north, the brother to Maester Sam Tarly and Gilly and Grandmaester Tarly's son would rule the reach when Bronn Blackwater was killed by the resentment of the Reacher's.

Argella Baratheon, Gendry and Arya's daughter and her niece bought them the Stormlands, still simmering with hatred of all things Targaryen

Robyn Arryn, her lovesick cousin who would declare war for her against the vale if she asked and her cousin Minisa Tully who she taught how to rule because her Lord Edmure was too drunk to do it.

Little by little, she had snatched the whole world from the Dragon Queen and won the game of thrones. Her family would be safe.

As she burns, she cannot feel herself to regret anything.

i won, the north is free,  is her only thought as the world fades to black.

Her eyes open to blurred greys. She was not expecting to be reunited with her family, the old gods know that she has committed enough evil to be condemned, but it still takes her off balance to see nothing she can understand. All of her once pained, yet, it had numbed down and Sansa feels nothing

Sansa hates feeling like a puppet on strings.

Then someone says something that tears her whole world apart.

"Alysanne Lannister, daughter of Tywin and Joanna Lannister."

She screams.



So er, hi! this is my first story, well first story i actually put effort in, so, please be gentle. on the other hand, tell me if i should continue this, cause i'm real excited about it. not yet sure whre this is going, but one thing is concrete, Sansa Stark, queen in the north dies by Drogon's fire and is reborn as Alysanne Lannister, daughter of Tywin and Joanna Lannister.

yes, this is inspired by: stone by stone on ao3, and i wrote this because i was eager and that story hadn't been updated

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Q: Who's you fave asoiaf/ GOT charachter?

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