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Five months later

Beyonce pov:

"Thank you ma'am" I smiled at the lady grabbing my medicine.

"You know, you are one of the most respectful people that come in here" she said smiling at me.

"It's not often I get told that" I said feeling my smile grow.

"Well I've been giving you your medicine since you was a hot head, and you've made a lot of progress" she said.

"Thank you" "Alright na gone and tend to them children you got" she said waving me off and I chuckled.

"Alright I'll see you next time" I said walking off.

I walked out to my truck getting in and driving off. I grabbed my phone looking at the date and sighed.

It's getting closer and closer to my birthday. I would be happy but my birthday comes with a price now.

I get reminded of the prison by having nightmares.

I drove to the daycare building and got out walking inside "Hello" the lady smiled at me.

"You here for the twins ?" She asked and I nodded. "Alright just sign them out and I'll be right back" she got up walking away.

I signed the kids out and by the time I was done they was running over.

"Hi babies !" I smiled looking down at all them minus jayda.

"Jayden where's sister ?" I asked but my question was answered when I heard her wailing.

The lady walked out the back holding her while she cried. "She threw her hearing aids on the the floor and well.." she trailed off opening her hand.

I seen jayda crushed hearing aids and sighed "Ok, thank you" I said taking her.

I laid jayda on my chest patting her back while she cried. "Come on babies, grab dada shirt" I said to the rest of them.

They grabbed my shirt and I took them to my truck putting them in before getting in myself still holding a crying jayda.

"Itty" I said tapping her to make her look at me.

"What's wrong ?" I asked doing the signs to it.

"Ewaaa" she cried and I started to massage her ears. Her face scrunched in discomfort before it relaxed and she calmed down.

She put her thumb in her mouth laying on my chest and I started the car driving off.

Today's the the onika's 'visiting'.

She hasn't come in months so I don't even believe when lauren tells me she's coming.

Me and her haven't talked since six months ago and if I'm being honest I'm not completely over everything.

I'm still hurt about it but it's whatever.

Lisa told me to stop thinking about her and letting her have control over my mind but I can't help it.

They posted up like this happy couple everywhere like she didn't promise me if I got better she would be with me.

Well I got better, a lot better thanks to Lisa.

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