Principal's Office - 10

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-At the school-

Jeno, Haechan, Renjun, Mark, Chenle, Jisung, Doyoung, Karina, Winter, Giselle, and NingNing
All went back to school. And when they arrived they saw the principal
By the front entrance and she didn't look happy.

Mrs. Na: well well, you guys, please come to my office

Then the 11 students followed their principal to her office

-in the office-

Mrs.Na: so, would anyone like to tell me why you guys were not at school?

Jisung: did Jaemin hyung tell you though?

Mrs.Na: tell me about what?

Winter: about why we were not at school but at the hospital instead?-

Karina: *hits Winter on the arm cuz they didn't want the principal to
know since she'll then make a big fuss about it*

Mrs.Na: the hospital? Why were you guys at the hospital Jeno?

Jeno: oh we weren't at the hospital, she went the place beside the hospital *lies*

Mrs.Na: Doyoung is that true?

Doyoung: ..yes, he's telling the truth..

Mrs.Na: well then, I'm sorry to say, but you guys are getting detentions after school for 3 hours everyday for a week

NingNing: uhm could you possibly make it 1 hour?

Mrs.Na: no

NingNing: 2 hours?

Mrs.Na: no

NingNing: 2 and a half?

Mrs.Na: no, I'm sorry, but it's gonna be 3 hours

NingNing: eh, worth it

Then they walked out of the class and just by coincidence, Jaemin just turned a corner
And saw them, and they saw Jaemin as well.

Jaemin: oh guys, your back?

Jeno: didn't I tell you to say that we'll be absent for the rest of the day?

Jaemin: oh I did though, why? Did something happen?

Haechan: well we just got detention for 3 hours after school for 1 week

Jaemin: wait what!? 3 hours!?! Nawh, this isn't happening, ima go talk to my mom, so hold on-

Doyoung: no we tried

Jaemin: well ofc she wouldn't say yes to you guys, she would probably say yes to the new students

Doyoung: yeah, NingNing asked, and she's new

Jaemin: oh..then I'm sorry..

Winter: naw it's okay, we're okay with it

Giselle: yeah, at least Y/n is save

Jaemin: Y/n? What happened to her? Is she the reason why you guys were at the hospital?

Giselle: uh gotta go use the bathroom, bye *runs off*

Winter: uh yeah, I think I left my uh at the cafeteria.. so yeah *also runs off*

Jaemin: why's everyone running off *looks at Jeno with a clueless face*

Jeno: don't look at me *looks away*

Jaemin: *looks at Doyoung*

Doyoung: *shrugs*

Jaemin: *looks at Karina*

Karina: nuh uh, don't ask me, ask Haechan

Haechan: why mee-

Jaemin: hyung pwease *does aegyo to Haechan and tries to kiss him*


Jaemin: pwease tell mwiii, I won't tell anwione else *does puppy eyes*

Karina: uh Haechan just tell him then

Haechan: uhm- *hesitant* -AH!! DONT KISS MEH AHH!!!! FINE I'LL TELL YOU

Jaemin: *stops* oki

Haechan: oh thank god that you stoped, Y/n fainte-

Jaemin: SHE WHAT?!

Jeno: oi, calm down, she's okay now

Jaemin: well where is she???

Haechan: at the hospital

Jaemin oh..ok, well why was that so hard to say?

Haechan: well Y/n doesn't like it when people make a big fuss about a thing about her so we tend to keep it quite

Renjun: oh so that's whyyy

Karina: yeh. well, I guess we have to go to detention now- well, after we get Giselle and Winter back

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