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Bres POV

I woke up later that day from a nice long nap. I fixed my hair and stuff and just watched TV. Everybody els was out with their boyfriends and stuff. I'm just here. All alone. I shoudlv'e never came back to my room. I shouldv'e told Prod to come or something. I'm so bored...I wonder what he's doing. Is he thinking about me? He's probably just chilling. I should go over to his room. I grabbed my phone and walked over to the door. I opened the door and Prod standing right there with his hand up as if he were about knock.

Me: Oh hey! I was just coming to see you!

Prod: And I was just coming to see you!

Me: Lol so..

Prod: What?

Me: You were coming to see me, about what??

Prod: Oh, well I was bored since everybody is gone and everything.

Me: Oh, me too......................................................................................................awkward silence.

Prod: *kisses her*

Me: *kisses him back*

Prod: *closes the door*

Me: *takes off her shirt and kisses him again*

Prod: *puts her on the bed and takes off his shirt*

Me: Damn, I've missed your abs.

Prod: *kisses her neck*

Me: *moaning* 

Prod: *takes off his pants*

Me: *takes off hers*

Prod: *still kissing her neck*

Me: *takes off her panties*

Prod: *goes in*

Me: *moaning louder* 

They went on for about another hour. I don't think I need to explain the rest...

Bahjas POV

Me: It's so nice not having to be alert about everything for once.

Prince: I know right.

Me: Well I was thinking that since we're out here, me and the girls could go to the studio and work on some writing this weekend. 

Prince: Cool..

Me: Are you ok?

Prince: Yeah..but I just realized what if you have the baby while we're here? What if your family misses the birth of our child, and it'll be all my fault.

Me: Babe, seriously. You keep blaming yourself for everything and apologizing and really starting to piss me off! I understand your under a lot of stress but damn! I'm the one who's pregnant here!

Prince: I'm s-(GCO)

Me: If you say " I'm sorry " one more time, so help me God...

Prince: OK! Fine! I promise from now on I'll be more chill and stuff. Ok?

Me: Thank you. That's all I ask. Now what do you want to order?

Prince: Ummm I don't know. I have something to tell you.

Me: What? Please no more bad news.

Prince: Ray got to come home. He'll be here tomorrow morning. Then we have a show tomorrow night.

Me: That's great! It's gonna be fun seeing Ray. He's been gone for weeks.

Prince: Yup!!

Me: I can't wait to see you guys perform too! I wish I could perform..

Prince: Don't worry babe. In about 5 months you'll be back all around the country!

Me: You make it sound like it's so soon. It's 5 freaking months!!

Prince: I know but you gotta stay positive bae.

Me: Ok..

Rocs POV

Nique: I had a lot of fun!

Me: I'm glad! 

Nique: That movie was soo scary!!!

Me: Yea it was! That little girl just kept on saying "MAMMA"

Nique: Noo don't say it. It creeps me out! 


Nique: Stoooop!! 

Me: Ok ok!!

Nique: Well I guess we should head back to the hotel, I'm kinda tired.

Me: Ok.

Nique: You ready for your performance tomorrow?

Me:'s gonna be nice to perform again.

Nique: I'm can't wait to start performing again. Connect with fans and stuff. I love what I do.

Me: Do you ever think about what it's gonna be in the future? An adult, with kids and stuff?

Nique: Sometimes...I imagine having a beautiful little girl, with an amazing voice. Going to her shows and stuff, just like my mom does.

Me: Wow..sometimes I even think "What would be like with kids?"

Nique: I'm sure you'd make a great father1

Me: Thanks..and I'm sure you'd sure be a wonderful mother.

Nique: *kisses him* I love you.

Me: I love you too...

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