Piper McLean

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The next morning when Skylar woke up in the Aphrodite cabin. It was a sunny morning when she forgot it was the Aphrodite and Ares meeting. She woke with a gasp. She ran to her bag and reach for her bush, toothpaste, toothbrush, and clothes. When she finished her hair was curly, and she wore an orange shirt that says camp half-blood, short pants, and flats. She grabbed her jacket and ran as fast as she can. When she got there it was starting. She quickly sat down next to Frank and I. The meeting started. There is no talking in the meeting. The meeting is about a quest we're going to. It's about fighting the sea monster.
Piper McLean POV

I think that Mr. Jackson can handle that because he is the SON OF POSEIDON. It controls water so like ya.
Later on, when the meeting ended, Piper went back to the Aphrodite cabin. Piper just flopped.

"I'm so dead," I said.

"I know right," Skylar replied.

(There is one thing you should know, Skylar is an Aphrodite and an Ares)

"Why does this have to be so tough," I complained.

"Eh, not to me it's going to awesome!" She exclaimed.

"You think it is. I think that Percy can just do it because he is the son of Poseidon," she said.
Skylar POV

I was shocked. I never knew that she was going to say that. I am just going to forget what she said. She kept on talking, but I didn't hear her clearly. All I heard was Percy...that was all.

Frank #2 Skylar MasonWhere stories live. Discover now