one word story

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Jay: Should we do that game?

Hailey: Which game?

Jay: That one word game

Kevin: I don't get it

Jay: Urgh, when I start with a word someone else types another word. And then you get lines but no one knows what the line is till someone ends the line.

Kim: I know that game

Hailey: Yeah me too

Adam: Same, Jay start!

Jay: I

Hailey: am

Kevin: tired

Adam: as

Kim: a

Antonio: sheep

Jay: but

Hailey: My

Kevin: Boss

Adam: Told

Kim: Me

Antonio: To

Jay: Feed

Hailey: The

Kevin: Bookshelves.

Adam: Last

Kim: Week

Antonio: Kim

Jay: And

Hailey: Adam

Kevin: tried

Adam: Nothing!

Kim: My

Antonio: Kitten

Jay: once

Hailey: told

Kevin: me

Adam: to

Kim: Kill

Antonio: My

Jay: Mouse

Hailey: with

Kevin: An

Adam: umbrella

Kim: But

Antonio: my

Jay: Knife

Hailey: Didn't

Kevin: Wanna

Adam: Let

Kim: My

Antonio: Mouse

Jay: Die.

Hailey: My

Kevin: Gun

Adam: Is

Kim: Used

Antonio: Bye

Jay: Trudy.

Hailey: Jay

Kevin: And

Adam: Voight

Kim: kissed

Antonio: together.

Jay: NOT

Hailey: only

Kevin: kissed

Adam: but

Kim: also

Antonio: had

Jay: NOTHING!!!!

Hailey: I

Kevin: Think

Adam: He

Kim: is

Antonio: mad.

Jay: Alright so we have a few lines now(NOT EVERYTHING IS RIGHT BTW)

Hailey: so we're done now??

Kevin: I think so

Adam: but why did we did this?

Kim: Idk

Antonio: Euhm well Jay began so

Jay: Bc it's funny

Hailey: A little

Kevin: But the lines are?

Adam: I am tired as a sheep, but my boss told me to feed the Bookshelves.

Kim: and the second?

Antonio: Last week Kim and Adam tried NOTHING!!

Jay: HEHE I like that one😂

Hailey: My kitten once told me to kill my mouse with an umbrella, but my knife didn't wanna let my mouse die.

Kevin: that's a weird one

Adam: But he's funny right?

Kim: Yeah

Antonio: are there more lines?

Jay: My gun was used by Trudy.

Hailey: Why did you let Trudy use your gun?

Kevin: Hails I think this was the next line

Adam: It was

Kim: Stupid Hails

Antonio: Ahhaha stupid

Jay: I'm not gonna say the next line.

Hailey: Jay and voight kissed together.

Kevin: Whahahahhahaha





Hailey: hehe next line

Kevin: NOT only kissed but also had NOTHING!!!

Adam: hehe I'm furious who used CAPSLOCK

Kim: Meehh I think Jay

Antonio: Probably


Hailey: I think he is mad.

Kevin: You think??

Adam: Kev that was the next line

Kim: It was

Antonio: Whaha

Jay: Urgh

Hailey: Well we're done now, I'm leaving

Kevin: Bye

Adam: Bye


Antonio: Well bye guys see yall tomorrow at work

Jay: Byeee GUYSSSS

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