Chapter 9

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Maxi started to ignore the glare he was getting from the wolf dog as he paddled back to shore, catching a small wave to help him accomplish the task.

But, somehow the board was unbalanced, throwing the two off and straight into the water.

Loki swam to the surface with a growl rumbling in his throat, undeterred by Maxi's state because, after all, he had caused the incident to happen. So, the canine quickly pushed himself forward to the sand, shaking his pelt rapidly.

He then glanced behind once, seeing Maxi clamber onto the board again, making Loki trot off towards the south end of the beach to, hopefully, get some alone time.


And alone time Loki did not get.

When he found himself at the end of the beach, he dug a hole in the sand before laying in it. With a soft yawn, he rested his chin on his paws, curling his tassel around his body.

A few minutes passed with the sound of the waves hitting the shore, a few mumblings reached his ears. And then, a load of grains of sand pelted his fur, causing Loki to jump up out of the hole, growling at the two teenagers who were filling it.

A angry glint appeared in his golden brown eyes as his tail flicked.

The author speaks!
Sorry for not updating for awhile, maybe two chapters today 🧐

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